

Part 2
Chapter 6

{"PLEASE DO AS YOU PLEASE WITH MY BODY, I BELONG TO YOU LORD KAMUI" "THEN I SHALL FEAST UPON YOUR BODY LIKE ITS MY LAST"} 'Another fantasy wet dream about me and Kamui-kun again,' I mumbled to myself as I looked at the roof.
'Hold on a second. This isn't my room and this scent isn't mine,' I said as I sniffed the blankets and looked around the room. 'Its Kamui-kun's scent, so that means I'm in Kamui-kun's room,' before I could freak out in excitement I felt a striking pain in my left wrist and my neck was painful too. My left wrist was bandaged and it seemed I was losing blood, I got out of the bed and went to the bathroom, looked myself in the mirror only to find that I was wearing Kamui-kun's long shirt without my skirt on. I went back to the room and smelled the great sweet scent of Kamui-kun, shortly after, he entered the room, 'I'm glad you're awake. I wanted to apologize and also ask you a few questions,' he said with the same life less deep voice he usually had then sat on the side of the bed. I looked at him and didn't say anything as if ignoring what he was saying then I lowered my head looking down. Right now I didn't care why I was in a panty and t-shirt, why I was in pain, why my wrist was bleeding and why he strangled me but all that I could think of was that I am in Kamui-kun's bedroom, in his t-shirt, on his bed and him sitting right next to me, this moment couldn't be anymore perfect. 'I only let you live because you—'
'You don't need to explain yourself, I completely forgive you,' I interrupted him as I got close enough to smell his sweet, warm coffee breath, this boy truly is the embodiment of perfect. 'What I saw was scary, I'll admit that. Even so, when you killed those guys I didn't feel even the slightest bit of disgust towards you all I felt was fear but not fear that would make me hate you, it was a different kind of fear that made me feel alive,' all those words were followed by a sigh then Kamui-kun looked at me with his life less eyes and asked if I was hungry as if I had just said nothing. I giggled then ruffled his hair with my right hand which made him look at me as if wanting to say something. He got up proceeded to the door and said, 'Come to the kitchen,' then closed the door. I looked at the watch on the wall, '00:10,' I mumbled as I took a good look around the room, he is very neat for someone who lives alone, everything is organised and smells fresh. Its hard to believe a boy can be this clean when my room is such a mess. I got out of bed and proceeded to the kitchen.

Chapter 7

This girl is playing with my mind, it's pissing me off. I took the eggs that I bought out of the fridge, cracked them open into the pan and put bacon next to them. Then I put cheese over them as they finished frying, letting the cheese melt on top of them. This was my usual breakfast with hundred percent cranberry juice to go with it, how weird, I'm making breakfast in the dark morning. She caught my eye as she appeared from the corridor wearing only my shirt and a panty, she reminded me of my aunt but yet she looked way more sexier than she is. My heart began throbbing as I looked at her check out my collection of Manga and tried to reach the top shelf, her blue and white striped panty showed as the shirt lifted up. {Jeez why am I feeling like this? This is not the first time I've had a half naked woman in my apartment}, I thought to myself as our eyes met and she smiled at me then continued reading the Manga she had just picked from the shelf. Its one of my favourite Manga's and anime, Tokyo Ghoul, I simply find the protagonist to be exactly like me. 'That smells delicious, what is it?' She asked as she put away the Manga and approached me, 'It's my special breakfast, I call it—' I paused as I stopped to think. Honestly I don't have a name for this meal, it's something I experimented with when I was still a kid, thinking I could cook but lucky me it turned out to be amazing and over the years I've been perfecting it with different herbs and spices to increase the flavour. 'Well what's the name?' She asked with a cheerful voice, 'I don't know, maybe you can name it.' She ignored me and went to go sit down, switched the TV on and went onto my anime collection— how rude. I continued to make the toast, heated up some rice, fried the hake fish then added Miso soup to the meal, put them all on a tray then put it on the dining area table. She looked at the food, got up to go wash her hands, picked up the chopsticks and said thanks for the food and digged in. She kept quiet for five episodes straight while eating. {I didn't know she was into Tokyo Ghoul}, she continued to watch season 1 of Tokyo Ghoul full. Switched the TV off, took the plates on the tray then went to go wash them. Am I really being ignored in my own place? She hasn't said a word for four hours, she only screamed in excitement and terror from Tokyo Ghoul, which is what we were both doing actually. She's an Otaku like I am and she says she loves me, cares for me and is by far the only girl who doesn't care about my money and to be honest she's the only girl other than my aunt whom I feel comfortable around. Am I falling in love? I sat there on the couch thinking about the reason why this girl finds no fault in me. 'So, you like Ken Kaneki because he resembles you right?' She said as she sat down, 'Yeah I do, how did you find that out just by watching it?'
'Oh sweety, I knew that a long time ago, I've watched all four seasons of Tokyo Ghoul and they are all awesome. I am an Otaku after all.' Her face glowed in the radiating moon light that came through the hundred square meter glass. I don't like switching on the lights, I would leave the place dark and never switch on the lights. My aunt even noticed that I don't use the lights when she paid the electricity bill, though at least I save her the trouble of paying too much. To my surprise I can see in the dark quite clearly without having to strain my eyes, I wonder if she can.

Chapter 8

As our eyes were looking into each other under the florescent moonlight that came through the window, i felt my heart throbbing in excitement. Already we were acting like a couple and even having short conversations together, I'm in his apartment, in his t-shirt and a panty, staring into his eyes, close enough to kiss him. {What do I do? Do I kiss him or do I just move away, what if he rejects my kiss?} I moved away from him and put my hands on his cheeks, 'I won't kiss you without you loving me. I want you to love me back, so I'll wait until then for you to kiss me, alright?' I stood up and went to the bedroom, covered myself with the blankets then fell fast asleep.

Chapter 9

What's wrong with this girl? What exactly are her motives to loving me? I only saved her once and now she feels the need to stay by my side, how peculiar. I know what love feels like, what being cared for feels like and what various other things feel like and that's all because my aunt was there to make me experience all of that. I don't need some high school girl telling me she loves me for all the wrong reasons. Doesn't matter though; I can always use her as a substitute. *Ring* my phone rang on the kitchen counter. I stood up to go and answer it, 'Hello?'
'Why hello there Young Kamui. How are you doing?' The voice of the man over the phone sounded rough as if the he was fighting off a cold.
'State your business', I said sternly as I was trying to figure who this person calling with aunts number was.
'No need to disrespect. We have what belongs to you, or rather should I say what is precious to you.'
What is precious to me? What are they on about? I stayed silent over the phone, 'We only have a small request and that's for you to do a job for us, then your precious Miss Candice Kamui lives.' The name Miss Candice Kamui echoed in my head and made my heart skip a beat.
'What about her?' I said as I tried to remain calm and clueless,
'She will die if you do not agree to do a job for us,'
'Kill her if you wish.' I dropped the call and took a deep breath. Boiled the water, took out a cup from the cupboard, put five teaspoons of sugar and an Earl Gray teabag into the cup, poured the boiled water in, then stirred slowly. Took a sip and felt my nerves calm down. Strode across the room to the hundred square meter glass with my cup of tea in my hand, stood there and admired the view. Took another sip and gathered my thoughts. 'So it's finally happening,' I whispered to myself then continued to admire the view.

Chapter 10

'That damn brat of yours is exactly like you', the man who just spoke to Shiro over the phone turned to look at Candice Kamui. Candice was sitting on an office chair with chains tightened around her.  Nine men were surrounding her with guns pointing at her. They seemed to be in an abandoned cabin in the woods of Hiroshima. Seventeen more men stood outside, guarding the perimeter for anyone who might try to save Candice Kamui. Candice raised her head with a smile on her face, 'Well the kid was trained by me. Anything that happens to me isn't of his concern but I assure you, he will kill you if you if hurt me or kill me.'
'The boy wouldn't stand a chance against me,'
'Chizuro my dear, the boy isn't normal so please don't compare yourself to him.'
The room filled up with intensity then the mystery man continued to speak, 'I don't care if the boy was trained by the great Candice Kamui because I trained alongside the great Candice Kamui,'
'You were a always a liability,'
'But you fell for me regardless and you enjoyed me fucking you,'
'Language. Even so my boy does better.'
The men surrounding Candice laughed as their boss was made fun of. Chizuro Hajime, a student of Lord Eichiro Misaki, the same man that also trained with Candice Kamui. Candice was the wonder child at the Academy of Killing Arts, she mastered all of the killing arts from stealth, frontal assault, skill, seduction, interrogation and all types of martial arts. Chizuro on the other hand, always fell short and never able to reach Candice's level. Their love bloomed when they met for the first time in front of Lord Eichiro, creater of the academy. It was love at first sight as they were personally trained by the most dangerous man in the world. Both from the age of ten under vigorous training, created a bond that no one could break until a secret was revealed to them. Lord Eichiro had created seven biological atomic bombs that could destroy each continent in the world with each bomb. The sight of those drove Chizuro into a mad state, he fell in love with them and obsessed over them. The main reason why these bombs were created was to maintain order in the world. Lord Eichiro had made an announcement to the world at the World Peace Summit stating that he had bombs that could destroy the entire world. The world turned into chaos as every country was after Japan but Lord Eichiro didn't fret, all he did was launch one of the bombs in the stratosphere over Africa and the biological gas made millions sick yet didn't kill them. The world began fearing Japan and ended up fearing Lord Eichiro too until he was assassinated. Chizuro wanted the bombs for himself after witnessing what destructive power they had. He asked for them but Lord Eichiro didn't want to give him, his denied access to the bombs drove him mad making him assassinate Lord Eichiro. Since then Chizuro has had the most dangerous bombs in the world. He betrayed the academy, killed his own master, left his lover behind and has been plotting the world's demise.

Chapter 11

Its morning and I didn't sleep. I've been up till dawn playing games and watching anime. I wouldn't be able to sleep because of the call I got earlier, my aunt's been kidnapped and I must say, I saw it coming. I knew a while back that my aunt was doing shady stuff, I still don't know what exactly she's doing but now it's put us all in a dire situation. 'Morning Kamui-kun,' Mei said as she appeared from the corridor wiping her hair with a towel as if she just took a shower while still wearing my shirt  and her panty. 'The name is Shiro. No need for any honorifics.' My mood is a bit under right now and I was not in the mood for any cheerful talk. I got up from from the couch after ten straight hours of sitting on it, without any bathroom breaks or snack breaks. I headed for the bathroom, took a quick shower, brushed my teeth and changed out of my pyjamas into my black tuxedo. Its a habit for me to wear pyjamas while I'm at home and my aunt would always scold me for that. I went back to the living and found Mei making breakfast. 'Where are you going so early in the morning?' This question made me remember the sweet scolding I'd get from my aunt for skipping school. I turned to look to look at Mei with a serious look that made her  flinch a little. As I was about to say something, the door bell rang. I went over to answer it, 'Hello, brother.' Kuro Kamui, my twin brother. My aunt had reunited us four years ago since we never knew each other from birth. Ever since then he's been paying me regular visits but today's visit felt odd. 'Hello Black, sorry but I'm on my way out,'
'Stop calling me that,' he giggled, 'may I come in?' I moved aside and let him in. He ignored Mei as he entered and walked across the room to the dining table behind the couch. Wearing his black tuxedo too as if copying me, his walking stick in his right hand to support his right leg and round big round glasses to support his sight, black hair, black eyes and the same height as me. He sat down looking a bit worried, 'I'm glad I caught you before you left, otherwise you would've gone and done something stupid,' his gaze narrowed, 'I suppose you've heard?'
'Yes I have. What's this all about anyways? These bastards wanted me to do a job for them and I rejected,' he sighed in relief then looked out the glass.
'They would have wanted you to capture Mei Misaki,'
'Huh? Why?'
'She is the granddaughter of Lord Eichiro Misaki,' he fixed his glasses, 'we need you to get her for us so she stays safe under our custody.' I paused and gave him a stupid look, 'Do you know what Mei Misaki looks like?'
'No, but I was hoping you would,' I gave him a sigh, 'Figured as much. She's the girl that's cooking right now.' Kuro looked at  Mei in disbelief, 'You are cheating on aunt?!'
'No I'm not! She's just a  girl madly in love with me. And who gave you the idea that I was dating our aunt?!'
'You've always been the favourite and I personally thought that there was more than training and being taken care of, maybe she's taking care of you in other ways,'
'Quit it Kuro! You know that such a thing would never happen,'
'You never know what goes on in behind closed doors.' Kuro's teasing lifted my mood, it was as if he knew that I was in a sour mood and that aunts kidnapping was driving me crazy to the extent that I would do stupid things. Mei put three plates of food with a classic English breakfast on the table. Kuro couldn't keep his eyes off her, it was as if he was seeing something that he had never seen before. We said our thanks and began eating, 'Kuro, where would you even take her?'
'To the organisation, The Academy of Assassins,'
'Never heard of it,' Kuro looked at me with a puzzled look as if I was supposed to know this so called Academy of Assassins. We ate breakfast without any peace as Kuro was hitting on Mei the entire time but kept being rejected.

Chapter 12

The two twin brothers look so identical, but you can tell them apart through the colour of their hair, the attitude and other features that Kuro has but Shiro doesn't. I stood up and cleared the table, washed the dishes and returned to the dining table. 'Alright time to talk about serious stuff,' Kuro's voice suddenly sounded serious and his gaze fixated upon me.
'Mei Misaki, do you understand your importance to the world?' The question threw me off a little as I didn't know what to say, 'No.... I don't,' I stuttered
'Alright then, since you don't know then I'll show you,'
'Show me what?'
'Lets just go Mei,' Shiro smiled as he followed Kuro toward the door.
'Let me put my skirt on first!' I shouted in embarrassment and ran to the bedroom to put on my school uniform and headed back to them. We left the apartment building, got into a black limousine that was parked out front then took off.
'Hey Black, do you have any anime in this limo?' Shiro asked
'Yeah I do. What do you wanna watch?'
'Darling in the franxx,' Kuro reached for the limo roof and pulled out a remote control, darkened the window tint, and a thirty seven inch flat screen TV appeared from below and set itself in front of the windows on the left. My eyes couldn't believe what they were seeing, a customized limousine? How rich is this guy? Kuro selected the program and we started to watch. I couldn't see outside and I didn't even want to ask where we were going because as long as Shiro is here then I have nothing to fear. Three hours later the limo stopped in what seemed to be a harbour, Kure Harbour. A ship came to fetch us and four hours passed. Dusk was coming as the sunset was showing beautifully over the Pacific Ocean, I stood near the rails to watch the beautiful scenery and feel the fresh ocean wind blowing on my face. I wasn't worried at all why I was taken from Tokyo and headed for an unknown area, I wasn't even thinking about my parents or my life at school, all that mattered to me now is that I am finally close with Shiro, the love of my life and the only person that matters to me. The world can die for all I care. It had already gotten dark and the we were still moving. The ship seemed to be private, yet huge, I wish I knew what business was being conducted here because I was not allowed to enter inside it with Shiro and Kuro. Guards are posted everywhere, each with a weapon. As the ship was still moving I could make out an island far ahead. {Is that Bonin Island? No it couldn't be, I know how far it is from Tokyo and we should have been there about an hour ago. Where are we going?} My thoughts started racing up and down trying to figure out what was going on, it may have not been my concern where we going before but now things are feeling a lot strange.

Chapter 13

This is irritating! I can't believe that my aunt kept so many things from me a secret but let Kuro know all about this. Even so, I can't really question her judgement. She must have had a good reason for keeping all this from me a secret. 'Where are we now?' I asked as I looked at the interior of the ship and all the computers that were being operated by these people. It was almost like a conference room made up of six rows of seats each with seventeen seats, a monitor for each seat and a hundred and two men and woman glued to each of their monitors. 'This is our Track ship. It gathers data from around the world and sends it to the main headquarters of the AOA and these people are responsible for handling it,'
'Academy Of Assassins, please keep up. Right now we are headed for the headquarters just beyond the Bonin Islands. As soon as we get there I will explain everything accordingly, please go take care of Miss Misaki, she must be lonely.' Kuro turned and walked towards one of the workers, I left and to go find Mei. As I left the room and stepped outside, I could smell the salt of the Pacific Ocean and feel the cold breeze that it gave off. I went upstairs and found Mei standing near the rails looking up at the moon and humming. 'How long have you been standing here?' I asked as I approached her.
'Six hours,' she responded with a smile.
'Have you eaten?'
'Are you hungry?'
'In need of me?'
Hold on a sec, am I flirting with this girl? It doesn't matter because I don't think she caught on. 'Tell me something; why are you in love with me?'