

a prison of my own design.
I blink and we're in a familiar park on a bench and he rests his forehead against the side of my head with his nose in my ear. His breathing tickles and I can't tell if it's the happiness bubbling inside of me but-- against my better judgment-- I giggle. "I was yours before I even knew you existed." The raw emotion in his voice sends my stomach filling with agitated butterflies. This is silly, I think to myself.

He places his hand on the side of my face and pushes it gently so that I'm facing him. "Don't leave me, okay? I don't-- I don't think my heart can take it." He looks into my eyes and I feel as if he is peering into my soul. Somehow, I want to hide. Dread coats my tongue. He caresses my face and tucks a stray hair behind my ear. "I don't think I could ever love somebody as much as I do you."

For this I have no words.

I reach out to grab his hand and squeeze it when suddenly the scene changes and he's in front of me with his eyes cold and unforgiving. I feel a sudden weight on my hand and look down to realize that I'm holding a paper bag filled with trinkets he's given me throughout the years. As I begin to wonder why I'm giving them back, he grabs the bag and turns to leave. Shock reverberates throughout my being. My face feels wet and I realize they're tears that are streaming down and making small puddles on the tiled floor. I wipe my face and make a fist with my hands. I open them and--

Both my hands are filled with blood. A body lays on the floor with a knife embedded in it. It seems to be bleeding from everywhere and it dawns on me that there are multiple stab wounds. "You loved her more!" I hear my voice raw with emotion. I begin to question my sanity when all of a sudden I see myself grabbing the knife out from where it was on the body and stab the person clean through the heart. I look at the persons face-- his face and I pause. I push and distance myself from him and wipe my hands drasticallu on my clothes and I see the sun rising on the horizon and I breakdown and cry. I pick up the knife and stab myself. I cry out and--

Then I blink and we're back on the bench in that park again, like none of it ever happened.
© vero