

letting go
I don't regret bcoz. I try to give my best. I do all the possible things, which I can do. I accept my mistake. I try to correct.. I try my best to handle the situation. if it didn't work. I don't regret. I leave it to Allah. Why to talk to someone who is not interested? Why to feel broken? Why to feel alone? Why to Hurt self? Why to write poetry on them? Why to wait for them? Doing all these things definitely doesn't make a sense. Let them go, show them the direction. Let them throw out of the heart. If they really care about you, if they really love you. You will have not to fight for that. Is this a love when they leave you,you fall in depression, anxiety, loneliness etc? Know your worth, have some self respect for self. You are a gem let them regret. Don't lose your brightness. Spread your wings, give a little push, fly again, sky is waiting for you for beautiful journey. Believe in Almighty Allah, He will not let you fall again. Have trust, be patient, look forward the sky is yours. Don't try to catch which has fallen on the ground. You are born to fly in the sky. You are a falcon (Shahbaz).
© AlamShah