

The Dragon Empire
100000 years ago there lived there lived a dragon named Draco. He is
a brave king . He has two dragon slaves they are D1 and D2. The Draco
want to take
over the seven land of dragons . The
most powerful dragon is dernen
He is the king of big dragon island.
Draco want to defeat the Dernen .
But Draco does not have enough
warrior dragons to fight against
so Draco decided to join more
warriors in his team. so he first
gone to dipper dragon island and
started the war against the dipper
dragon island V/S small dragon island . The war started . but there is only Draco , D1 and D2 but in the opponent side there are 10 powerful
dragon . but before the battle begins.
A dragon with 10 warriors came
and landed on the ground and
asked to Draco that Do you know me I am your friend Drane. I am the king
of water dragon island . we both studied in the dragon school together
but after that I gone to the water dragon school. Now I will help you in the fight my friend. The battle begins

To be continued 😃😃😃 .......