

Train, Life & Relationships
"A train will always have a destination."

"I always look at my own life when I am riding a train. I met strangers who comes to my life and goes without saying anything."

"I myself don't think that I am some sort of a protagonist living his or her life to the fullest while being the center of attraction."
"The protagonists are the trains while I am just one of the passengers - a side character."

As a train gets closer to its destination, making a rumbling sound, I stopped talking to my inner self. As I stand up and walk to the opening doors of the train, walking myself out from it.

"Feels like leaving the protagonist, huh." sighing loudly.

"Well, even though I leave the protagonist, as if he or she can remember me." shaking my head lightly. "Time to go now."

As I head out of the station, I saw the train slowly getting far away from me, leaving me an empty feeling that I have lost an opportunity or something.

I always feel this way everytime I ride the train, making my head full of thoughts of what is my standing in this world. While the train is the protagonist that will always move forward to its destination, meeting people and separate after they get to their own destinations, I am only.....

"What am I again?" "What is my purpose?" " Is my whole life just a pass time like what I am doing right now?"

I continuously ask myself making me feel blank for a while.

"No! I do have a purpose!" proudly said by myself.

"Although I always ride the train just like the others, I have talked to people inside this train." saying that with confidence.

"Connections, Relationships, just like each stations connected to each other, I have a lot of relationship with people inside this train." stopped for a second while remembering some memories.

"My friends and I laughed together inside this train. We teased each other with the one that we like in this train. My Wife and I met in this train. My Co-workers talk business and life in this train. I helped older people to sit in this train and talked with them with their experiences. I-I...... I have and know my purpose in life!" smile flickered across my face, a smile that shows the past and present and a smile that is looking forward to the future.

"A train will always have a destination."
repeating the phrase I said from before.

"Although my life will not be as exciting as a train-like protagonist, but my life is fun and will not reach its destination early on. A train is a train while I am me and me alone." victorious smile shows to my face.

"Well, I think it's time to go now, I dozed off a few times while walking." chuckling at myself.


Walking in front of a house, I continue to walk forward until I reached the front door. I knocked a few times and open the door, saying the words......

"I'm home!"
"Ah! Welcome home, my dear!" says my wife.

After my wife said those words, she kept looking at me weirdly for a moment and said...... "Are you alright? Did something happen?" asking me with a weird and perplexed face.

"Nope, just thinking how my life change due to a single train and few people on it." chuckling softly.

"You are really saying weird words again huh." rolling her eyes. "Well, not that I do not care about that, why don't you tell me everything while we are eating, I've just finished cooking dinner."

" Okay, okay, let me change my clothes first then we eat while I talk." laughing softly. "Then, let's head inside and talk about my own train of life." Heading inside the house and closing the door.

© YeXiang