

Did it change after that.....?
yes...my dialogue starts with a question.It's not I am asking someone else.one has to ask oneself. I want to bring the recent Hyderabad rape and encounter on to the stage which most of the people had praised our police force but really did it abolish the problems of women especially rapes. On the same day there were four other rape cases in different states and are continuing till now. So what's the intention in that act. Our ultimate aim of rendering punishment must be changing the minds of people in society who orient towards such henious activities. I know there are some drawbacks in our judiciary (providing verdict after longtime) but it can be changed by making reforms.
My intention is not to raise finger on someone saying they are right or wrong. I just want to bring a change in the thoughts of people. "killing for killing" is not justice.

Sorry if someone has offended to my view.