

It wasn't really a superb work of art.
It was painted above the sky with wrong colours and was covered with blotches in an attempt, seemingly, to hide the mistakes. The perspective of it was all wrong and the vegetation of it was not to be found in the wildest nightmare.
The whole thing was a surrealistic portrait of a hell. Even the frame barely held together .It was kept on the walls of the world. As strange as the picture was, there were things beside it that weren't clear in it. That picture is the centre of life.
It have potrayed and captured many souls that it is the true word. It doesnt kill nor cure but was just like a disease. People were admired by the picture. They took it and hanged it up on their walls. Their lives where consumed by it.That one picture travelled the whole wide world. People will stare at it with their eyes three times with fire and blades just below the horizon and think that they are wrong.That was a warning sign .You just take a deep look at it too and ask your self...... How do you see the picture?

© Sandra