

That Man an Cat What
I awake to a knock at the door
a cat runs in from
outside to in my apt. as if
scared from the outside.
So I look and see a. cape
and a being moving fast to the area
to be as running and I slam the door
as I do I hear it yell ahhhhhhhhh
Then I look out the window
and he
hits the window
I grab a broom
And hit it him no get away
who are you
And he yells. I need. to enter no fool
Away you don't have to come in
here you good where you at.
No the cat is not a regular cat you do
not understand it's a. wolf cat
So it will change I must get him
wolf cat bad man you will
try anything to come into this house
but what is with you
or why do. you need that cat.
So I turn and look at the cat he is
still a cat so I say you lie so I am
going to sleep goodnight to you bad
Then I turn the lights out and leave the window so the bad man left
go to my room lock the door
and the cat is in my living room
but once I leave
he changes into a man
and looks at the man outside and laughs
at him
You will never get me you
are badddddd bad fool who will believe
you cause cats are small so
he went into the kitchen and made
himself a sandwich and wine
and was getting down ratting
the lady never woke up to get him.
So what he did was turn back into
a 🐱 then he ran out the mail box
and his power was never discovered
and the caped figure
chased the cat once again
And the lady never learned the truth
in the middle of the night
But the cat got away
with it
But the lady the next morning got
up and asked
where is the cat I let in last night
not knowing that he went out
the mailbox slot
So she was confused
cause the cat was no where to
be found
And a lot of food was missing so
she was like I wonder
Then she said not that's crazy it couldn't
be. So once she sat down she saw
a note which read
thank you the for was great but I had
to go I was a cat man who needed to
hide I ran out your mail box slot
So I drop the letter
and say this is a joke and so unbelievable
But food was gone and he not here now
So how do I ever tell anybody about this.

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