

Not that innocent
Chapter 7
Before they even noticed the time passed. Claire looked at the clock and said...
"I should probably get going, it is getting late."
"Yeah I should probably get going too"
They headed to the exit door.
"Wait" Claire stopped walking"What about Mark? Should we tell him we are leaving?"
"No it's okay, he will figure it out"
They got out and started walking.
"So... would you like me to walk you home ?"
"No, it's okay I live nearby, I can walk alone"
"Are you sure ?"
"Yes, don't worry about it" she smiled "So she you tomorrow at school ?"
"Yes, she you tomorrow"
"Goodnight" she said and turned around and left.
He turned around and started walking too. He felt the most happy he had ever felt. Talking with her made him for the first time feel full. Nothing could stop him from smiling.