

Her ( Storytime )
8 years ago ...

I went to visit some family in waycross georgia I was super excited to see my family I haven't seen since i was kid , we moved away when I was six so there was alot of missed times with my cousin's so one saturday I got dressed and was ready for a day out my cousin alex was also dressed and ready for a day out , she asked me if I would like to go to this event in atlanta so I said sure as long as it's food there I'm good my cousin called me greedy and said ok , we were turnt in the car all the way there mind you it's a three hour drive to atl from waycross ga , we finally make it there it's so many people there and I don't know anyone but my cousin alex and her friends , I'm chilling peeping out the scenery im not gone lie the vibes were everything until my cousin alex said I want you to meet this girl you might like her , I'm like nawl I'm good so I turned away , walked away so fast that I crashed right into HER I said omg I'm so sorry I'm trying to get away from someone and she said are you ok ? I replied I am now we both smiled , when I first walked in the event I saw HER standing there with a red cup in HER hand , I don't know how many times I cursed because she was fine , me crashing into HER was like dang I was suppose to meet HER as we talked I then realized she had a stutter problem so when she was trying to say something she started gasping for air and I started to breathe in and out with HER she smiled and said thank you but looking at HER reaction she was a little embarrassed , I told her my name & she told me hers later that night I seen HER again at this other event but this time she grabbed my arm I smiled at HER and kept walking before the night ended I was dancing to this slow song and she came behind me and I danced with HER I was so mad I didn't dance with HER more so the next morning I ask my cousin alex did she know the girl I was dancing with she said no but her best friend does I wanted to know what her friend knew so she came over and we talked about HER I smiled the entire time one week later I had to go back to florida but I couldn't stop thinking about HER three months later I started dating someone but the thought of her was still in my mind once me and this person got serious out of respect for the person I was dating I stop thinking about her now it's 5 years from the time I met HER I'm now with someone else & I didn't think about HER until I got on youtube and saw HER I remember saying oh no not again , as time go by she stayed stuck in my head so I'm like let me get on Instagram and see what she's been up to so when I found HER I was amazed on HER beauty + androgynous ways HER passion in sports HER love for family I can honestly go on it's now 2022 I'm single & I still think she is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life one day maybe I'll build my courage and tell HER how I really feel ..
I've been having dreams about HER lately ..
© Queen Pooh Rainbow