

It was 22nd of January 2015 , When I recall that incident it Shaken me to the toes of my feet. It was a cloudy Morning and my 19th birthday( the Birthday I could not ever forget my entire life). As I woke up, "my Mom wish me Happy Birthday" with an unpleasant mood because I wasn't at home from 4 days and I came home just a night before. I said, "thank you" Worthless and started thinking what to do today. #Karan my best friend called me and asked me to come over to his home. I got a quick bath and Visit him, We started planning what to do this Birthday and decided to go to Chandigarh. Then we both left for our another friend #Gazan's Home, he was already waiting for us outside his home and his mother also stood in gate, Seemed very angry at him and on us. Gazan came to us and three of us left for our town. Then Karan told him about our plan and he strangely responded in confusingly manner said, "ok, let's see ". Gazan is a guy who never says no for outing , even if his parents were refusing. But that day he seems partially agreed and that was strange for us but we knew his loopholes. It was nearly 3 pm in the afternoon and the weather was rainy. We were arranging of money and dope.Later we called Our fourth friend #Armaan and he was with us in next half an hour. I told Karan and Gazan to wait for me at Karan's home, and I went to my house to tell them. As I told my mom, She clearly refused but I was already prepared and was not ready to listen "No". I argued even didn't ask for money , took my bag and left for Karan's house. Armaan was also arrived , I told them everything but we already had backup . Around 7 PM we left from Sangrur which is nearly 150 Km from Chandigarh. Me, Karan, Gazan and Armaan all four were high on dope and Drinking as well except Armaan, He was Driving the Car. It was heavily raining now and car was at enough Speed. We once stopped Car at Patiala which lies in the middle of Sangrur - Chandigarh. Then again left for Chandigarh, in this entire journey we later observed one thing very strange that Gazan was repeatedly saying that let's drink or dope or whatever we want then Stay at his home for tonight, which we were refusing to do so and in fact usually Gazan's parent's call him once or twice when he's outside but that day they were calling him all the time and even usually his dad don't talk to him when he goes without permission and also told his mother to don't call him but that day his mom , sister , dad , uncle infact one of his friend from New Zealand all called him and later he switched off his phone. now we were 20 kms from patiala and Stopped the car for fuelling. Armaan was driving, Gazan was at conductor seat on front , I was on back side of the Gazan and Karan was sitting with me on driver's back side. When we were about to go after fuelling Gazan asked me to come on front seat as he was sleepy , I came on conductor seat and now Gazan was at my back side. My knees were on Dashboard as I was Replying to my Birthday wishes and Sitting active as well. Car was just on road from filling station to 30 metres at the speed of approx. 100 and Songs were loud as hell suddenly we didn't know what happened Car got Crashed in Another car Coming from front and hit into Conductor side in just between me and Gazan as Armaan turned car in - position . Lately it was just beep sound in my head and I found myself stuck into window , I turned off volume and found myself with broken lower back and Glass in forehead , eyes brows. I was drunk even I was feeling pain , I somehow managed to get out of car. and found Armaan was absolutely safe in front of me and people were dragging Karan and Gazan from Car. They both were unconscious and were in blood flowing from their heads to face. Me and Armaan was Screaming and Wanted someone to help us, we were giving hands to cars but no one stood and passing by seeing us. A couple of people were around us they were considering both of them as dead (Karan and Gazan) but we were keep trying to call 108 Ambulance which is unavailable, asking people for help. After 25 mins. 5 people in two cars we stop and they were also drinking and in no time they took us to Patiala . I Remember Karan was in another car, me and Amraan were sitting in back holding Gazan in our lap , Whom we can realise pulse less. My lower back was broken I couldn't sit on seat still I was holding Gazan whose weight was Approx. 100 kg. As we reached in Colombia Asia hospital they took all three of us on stretchers and Started giving first Aid. Before Anastasia I Remember they asked me number , I gave them my Mom and Brother's no. later they were picking glass from my forehead with plucker. Later I found myself next day on Hospital bed. My Mom came , the first thing i was asking them where is Gazan, where is Karan . They were saying Gazan is in another room , and Karan is behind that curtains on that bed. I asked them to take me to them but they refused , I was crying and have some trust when people who came to see me were also going to Another bed. It was Karan , His Back and neck n leg was broken, nd have some injuries in head. I got discharged next day and when my parents were taking me on wheelchair, they took me to Karan's bed nd I was a little bit satisfied but I couldn't found Gazan and my brother told me he is at home and now his Okay. I thought if hes home then I am also going home and gonna meet him first. But my parents didn't allowed me , they were saying Recover yourself then we will take you to him. I asked my mom to let me call him , she said his parents are aggressive on you because of your Birthday so you cannot talk to him. I trust them because yes its it's TRUE his parents should must be angry on me. after 4-5 days one of my uncle came to see me and were talking to me saying that what you got by not listening parents see One of yours lost his life. I was Shocked and they changed the topic and said See you all are safe , anything could happen. When they gone I started yelling that I want to talk to Gazan even if their parents don't allow me , but I want to talk to him once , I want to listen him once...... The next thing I get to knew was that #Gazan was No More , He was dead on the Spot. I Remember his Words what he said a few minutes before accident that Come forward I m feeling sleepy, and he never wake up again 😪😖