

No Memory Prisoner
24 hours...Mr Lucas lying In a bath tub full of blood and a man on the floor dead....he starts to regain his consciousness....his vision blurry with the head pain that comes after...he looks left and right and he realizes that he is covered with blood, surprised he quickly jumps out of the tub and lands on the naked dead body on the floor....he shrieks and he quickly jumps off the body....

Looking all confused he scratches his head trying to figure out what happened,he looks around again and he spots a dagger stained with blood and across the room he sees an injection with a little blue substance on the tip.....

He wanders from place to place trying to remember where he is,??what happened??and why a dead body is lying on the floor....

Hours later sirens were blasting across the street...Mr Lucas still thinking hard of what happened...
suddenly police men barged with their guns pointed... shocked Mr Lucas trys to run but the heavily muscled men grab and hold him down...
....They took him to the police station for questioning but all he tells them is that he does not remember anything....days later he is taken for a trial and unfortunately he has been found guilty and has been sentenced to 20years imprisonment....

The End
© Lucky.E