

Dont get angry be patient with me try to understand that I have ADHD
Dont get angry be patient with me try to understand that I have ADHD
Don't get angry be patient with me try to understand that I have ADHD

My name is Sky
And im quit bouncy you see
Because i live everyday with ADHD

Sometimes its hard for me to focus
And concentrate on my work
I need time to run jump and play
To keep my mind alert

But dont get angrey be patient with me
Try to understand that i have ADHD

I might get excited at the tiniest little thing
And act at times like I've lost my brain
You may have to tell me things more than once
And watch out for all the sugar inside my lunch

But don't get angry be patient with me
Try to understand that I have ADHD

Im not to much different then most kids u see
You just have to invest a little more love and time in me
Sometimes im sad because im misunderstood
Mistaken for bad when my heart is really good

So dont get angry be patient with me
Try to understand that I have ADHD

Im eager to Please and always want to do my best
But with ADHD for me, at times, its a test
more than anything i just need you to understand
That for me its not a choice so please don't get mad

My name is Sky
And I have ADHD
So don't get angry
Please Be patient with me

ADHD is very comman most people take children who have it as bad but if you know better you can do better please love our children with ADHD THEY HAVE NO CHOIC

© seven22