

We go through many paths in our lives .Some paths are good and some are bad. There are some paths in our life in which we move forward by succeeding in some paths and there are some paths in which we move forward by failing. It is said that if we succeed we win and if we fail we inspire others to succeed in life. It is not always the case in life that if our goal is good then success in life is also with our goal. The way to reach the goal in our life should also be good. There are some ways of life that lead us to a way that is beyond our imagination and we have to face a new situation that is beyond our imagination. Sometimes I wonder why this happened and what could be the way to deal with it.
Sometimes we face a situation in which we work hard to reach the goal of our life but on the way to reach that goal we sometimes face a situation that is beyond our thinking and because of that we We get distracted from the path of reaching the goal of our life and as a result we put the path of the goal of our life in the middle and give up and cannot reach the goal of our life. As a result we lose our destiny. We do not choose the path. In life we ​​do not choose the path but the path chooses us and gives us results. There is always one thing in human beings that is the easy path in life and the hope of getting a big result. At first it feels good but later it causes a lot of problems .Which is why we do not get the expected result .Which we get so much sadness and despair .But man does not think that the higher the goal in life, the higher the effort. There is no easy way and no short way He has no choice but to work hard.
In some situations of life we ​​always think that we get good blessings and good thoughts for success many times in life. This is very good in life. Good blessings and good thoughts in life give us a lot of progress in life. And also inspires to be successful in life. But if we just sit on the blessings in our life, we do not get the expected fruit of blessings in life, but to work hard to make that blessing meaningful and use that blessing and good thought in life. Only if we reach the fixed goal of our life do we get good blessings and good thoughts and we also get the expected result in life. In life we ​​sit in story many times but in life we ​​have only one question that so many stories. Even after listening, our life is the same as it was. No change has taken place but the change will take place only when the story comes down in our mother and only when we go down in that story do we find the path of development and progress in life.
In life we ​​work hard to reach our goal and we succeed in life but sometimes it happens that even if all our paths in life are right we do not succeed and we get frustrated and think only one thing that my Even if all the paths were right, why didn't I get success and we blame fate and by believing in luck we are satisfied with our work and our failures and we keep one thing in mind that even if our path was right, success No, we don't have to do this anymore. As a result, we get distracted from our goal. But in reality, even in such a failure, there is a success that leads us to a path of life where success cannot be achieved from such failure. Have a way. It takes us to a state in life where we can go from many such failures to success. Failures in life are like a guru who stumbles us first but later opens many doors of happiness in life. Teaches something new.
We think many times in our life which way to go to get a good goal in life, if I go a good way and what way I can go to fulfill my dream in life and get true happiness of life. We see all the ways for this. And people in our life are also advising us to walk all the ways in which you have success in your work and we follow their advice and walk the good path many times in life. Many times a situation arises that we have to follow our right path. All the ways to go are visible but can't decide which way to go. In such a situation we should choose only one way in life. The way is the way of our distance soul. It is said that every living being has Shiva. So Lord Shiva resides in our inner soul and His path shows us a good path in life which is the path that leads us to the goal of our life.
Man has always had an instinct to take his own path before succeeding in any situation, and then to follow God's path in life, if we already follow God's path, then we are sure to succeed and not despair. In life we ​​think why I suffer and why I get frustration and failure and finally we satisfy our mind by blaming God or destiny but God says the happiness and sorrow you get in life are the ways of your choice. This is the result .Therefore you are responsible for the happiness and happiness of your life .Man cannot see the way of God due to his ego in life and fails in life. At the time of failure in life, at the same time man realizes his mistake and gives up ego and goes to the refuge of God. In life we ​​always choose the path of happiness but in life we ​​get as much happiness as we like but true satisfaction in life Not getting and we think that it is better to get more happiness than this and we try to get more happiness and as a result our sense of happiness in life is not fulfilled any day.
Even if God shows the path of happiness to his devotee in life and also gives true happiness in life, we try to compare our happiness in life with the happiness of others and we are happy that I have more than this but we Don't think that God has given happiness to you and God has given you happiness to you. Then why is man so happy? And man has ego in life and to make good use of that happiness. Misuses the place and considers everyone inferior. As a result, happiness is gradually destroyed and misery comes. If a person understands in life that what is there is given to all by God and makes good use of that happiness, then he will have many happiness in life. He gets more than what he gets .His happiness does not diminish in any kind of situation and he remains happy in life .The happiness and prosperity we get in life, if we do not use it in a good way, it is our own. Destroys and hurts us in life.
We tell God in life that I do not like this in life and I do not like it, I want this and I want that, tell me this way and tell me that way. God also fulfills the desires of His devotees and also gives in life. But man is so happy when his wealth and desires are fulfilled that he does not understand the value of the happiness he has got in life and uses it in innumerable ways in life. As a result God takes back that happiness and gives it to him in life. Gives sorrow so that he can understand the true value of happiness so that it is useful to others in life as well as to us and gives us happiness in life as the use of that happiness can make man better with himself and improve the life of others in life. It is possible that man forgets this path in life and chooses only one path that is good for us and the destiny of others. Man cannot use his happiness well because of this thing in life. Man does not understand that his happiness is to improve the destiny of others. Not to use for oneself. And this path leads him to the path of degeneration.
Man is inspired to walk a good path in life by the satsangs of God, devotion and good rites in life so that he can get a good path in life but man stays away from all these in life and goes to a place in life where he He understands how much happiness there is, what joy there is in life and as a result he does not know the true situation and gets trapped in life in a way where he only gets misery. And it is in the good sacraments that by entering into man the life of man becomes nectarine. If we, the guardian robber, came in the company of Narad Muni, he became Valmiki Rishi and he composed Ramayana and got very good happiness in life. This is the true thing of life and this is the true path of life and this is the true happiness of life. But we should choose the right path in our life and stay away from Kusang in life.
Man always wants to get material happiness and prosperity in life and man also works hard to get material happiness in life and he also gets material happiness. But why his desire to get happiness is not fulfilled because it is material happiness. And the way to get true happiness in life is the soul. There is no greater happiness in this world than the inner happiness because the satisfaction of the soul is the satisfaction of our mind and the satisfaction of the mind is the satisfaction of our life and the satisfaction of our life is the satisfaction of the desire to get happiness in our life. The true happiness of life is God in life. It is .The day we meet God in life is the true happiness of life and it also includes the inner happiness of our soul and also the true reality of life. The true path in life is found only through inner happiness and there is no ego, jealousy and sorrow in any way and true happiness of life is also found. The inner happiness of life is the only happiness in which man is with God. The life of a person who meets God and has a revelation to God is also successful. There is no vice in intimate happiness and it also shows the right path of life, so the path of true happiness of life is intimate happiness and useful to all in life. So in life we ​​should also choose the path towards inner happiness and also get true happiness of life and true joy of life.

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