

Another Stream of Life

We are the unborn victories of tomorrows battle. Life has taught us many ways to fall or to rise, usually the unpleasant way to live a miserable one.
People tends to creat such scenes to bring the comfort zone a habitual practice where we are stuck for decades and forgets to face the challenges in our lives.
We are blind in the sight of beauty , we catch the attention of something that captivates our tearful eyes.
What we can achieve from our daily lives is what we tends to tremble our own fear.
When we look into the world, we just see the part of it , but with different perspective we see more of what it is.
There is more than what meets the eyes.
Beyond the curtain of nature, it lies a hope of joy .
We are being enslaved by ourselves by the worldly material.
We have become the domain of the technology .
But we still can defeat this obsession over the material.
Did you know ? That Many troubles we face are usually the foundation of our success .
Thrive for it, never say i give up, its right there , its just that the time is not yet there but it will soon.
In terms of work, job, colleges , business, social and many more can bring a sadness or happiness in your life.
It is you who decides to choose the positivity or the negativity.
You are your own master, keep practicing for the perfection.
And live a healthy, authenticity and calibration of soothing your amazing lives.

Chapter 1
Many of us tends to be swallow by peer pressure , some of survive and some don't.
It's a simple thing to get your life fixed in your desired way, but you need to first reflect the meaning of life being in this world.
We emerge from different backgrounds ,shapes and colours and many things . All you need to do is present yourself in a confine sense of manner.
Start with a new day, you wake up , be thankful to the Creator.
Touch with nature, have a walk of life with the fresh air and hear the sound of your city or town or village, it talks ,yes it does .
Meditation is a good process to relieve you from anxiety and stress . Do light work at your home, maintain your time according with the schedule of your day .
Make a use of it to note down your to do list , it will help you to accomplish your works in an ease way , psychologically it release you from stress when you see the to do list getting lesser while you strike off whats done.
An unnounded life to be accomplish by your self integrity in the boundaries of your love and passion.