

I Hate.
I hate you because of how much you remind me of myself.
I hate you because of how similar we live our lives.
I hate you because of how similar our circumstances are.
I hate you because of how familiar your emotions are.
I hate how alike we are.
I hate you because of how familiar your words are to me.
I hate you because of how close we were.
I hate you because you hurt me.
I hate you because you made me feel betrayed.
I hate you because you didn’t listen to me.
I hate you because I knew you were right.
I hate you because you didn’t try to stop.
I hate you because you were also wrong.
I hate you for staying even after everything.
I hate you for so many things.
But I hate myself even more.
I hate myself for hurting you too.
I hate myself for betraying you.
I hate myself for ruining things.
I hate myself for hating you.
I hate missing what we had.
I hate missing you.
I hate how everytime you open up to me again, I can’t reply anymore.
I hate how guilty I feel whenever I hear your voice.
I hate how guilty I feel whenever I see you and a bitter thought flows through my mind.
But most of all, I hate how I barely felt guilty when I hurt you.
© Grinchy