

The Unveiling
Chapter 2: The Unveiling
Kael burst through the door of his small, one-story house, slamming it shut behind him. He dropped the books and the mysterious object onto the side table, carefully separating them so the wet silicon wouldn’t ruin the novels. He shrugged off his rain-soaked coat, letting it fall to the floor in a heap, and quickly peeled off his wet clothes, tossing them into the laundry basket.

After changing into dry clothes, he turned on the gas heater and wrapped a large towel around his shoulders, feeling the warmth slowly seep back into his chilled bones. But even as he tried to relax, his eyes kept drifting to the object on the side table. It was just sitting there, silent and unassuming, yet it tugged at his curiosity.

Unable to resist, Kael picked it up again and began to unwrap the silicon cover. His fingers moved carefully, peeling back the layers until an old, thick book was revealed. The cover was worn but sturdy, with golden edges that glinted faintly in the dim light. As Kael brushed away a layer of dust, the title came into view, engraved in elegant, gold letters: I'll Again Be There Soon.

A chill ran down Kael’s spine. There was something unsettling about the book, something that made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. He turned it over and saw a single name engraved in gold at the corner of the back cover: Ben. The simplicity of the name contrasted sharply with the ornate title, deepening the mystery.

He set the book down, trying to shake off the unease that had settled over him. Kael was an avid reader, and the idea of a mysterious, ancient book filled with unknown tales was usually exciting. But this one felt different—like it was watching him, waiting for him to open it.

That evening, Kael sat on his couch, his legs curled up beneath him, a cup of steaming tea in his hands. He kept glancing at the old book on the side table, its title seemingly glowing in the dim light. After a long moment of hesitation, he finally gave in to his curiosity and reached for the book.

He opened it slowly, the old pages crackling softly. But the first few pages were blank, their emptiness only adding to his growing sense of unease. Just as he was about to close the book, thinking it might be empty, he turned to a page with something on it.

A single Roman numeral "1" was engraved in gold at the top, and beneath it, in deep red letters, were the words: He was talking to Ben, sitting on a couch, where a side table lay beside them.

Kael’s breath caught in his throat. The scene described in the book was eerily similar to his own situation. He was sitting on a couch, just as the book described, with a side table beside him. The coincidence was too strange to ignore, and Kael quickly closed the book, his heart pounding.

He tried to distract himself by picking up one of his other novels, The Echoes of Silver Hollow by Elara Wynthorne, hoping to lose himself in a familiar story. But no matter how hard he tried to focus, the words from the mysterious book kept replaying in his mind, refusing to let him find peace.

Eventually, fatigue won out, and Kael fell asleep on the couch, the novel still open in his lap.
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