

Day-Night Dreamer (pt.30 & 31)
....And for making anything from food to shelter, We need to cut down the trees to use it. If they would have became alive, if their feet had came out and if they could speak then, they would have killed us and, the things which we are seeing in our surrounding wouldn't been there.
Life would have been the toughest than ever. Then it will seem nothing less than hell.”
Thinking more about it, he reached at the point where he has to cross the road. But Jack was so lost in his own world that he didn't realize it.
Jack was about to cross the road and as he reached the middle of the road, a truck started coming at a speed. Jack still didn't care when the truck was so close to him, his friend pushed him hard to the other side.
Jack popped out of his dream world and felt a bit of pain on his knee as he fell on the road.
Jack's friend came running towards him and asked him, “Are you okay?”
Jack was very angry with him and begin to scold him for pushing him that hard.
He told him that if I had not pushed you, you would have died.
He asked him, “You saved me? But From what?”
His friend began to explain him everything and when Jack started to understand the matter he thanked him and also apologized for scolding him Then they went to the school together.
After that incident after, Jack realised how dangerous it is to keep dreaming all the time. From then, he stopped dreaming and only focused on what is going on in reality. His mother also began to feel that Jack is over coming his illness. He is becoming fine now.
And everything became normal when Jack realized how wrong he was doing.
||THE END|| Moral in next part.
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