

You are my world/Ch4
The following morning i woke up pretty early, about 7 am, only maids were up so i decided to visit Mari and Kate.. I wished them and other maids good morning. But i got a bit triggered when they all bowed. I took a deep breath and repeated again that they should treat me like they treat each other. I could see confused looks on their faces but they did as i asked. I asked few question about my friends and got information that they had a week off. I was upset but at the end i went to Blakes room and knocked on his door. He opened door second later and it was literally the first time a saw his messy hair. Omg it was the cutest thing i have ever seen! He looked like he hasn't slept the whole night so i gave him a tight hug. I was so relieved when i felt two arms hugging me back.

-Good morning!- i said happily.

-G'morning-he said while kissing my forehead. -how did you sleep?-
-Pretty fine, you?-
- I barely slept to be honest, i stayed up until 4 am to finish the plan, but at least it'll be over soon.-
I nodded and suggested that we should go for a breakfast. I tried multiple times making him sleep more and generally taking better care of himself, but, he promised that once he's done with everything he will start a whole new life.
After the breakfast he asked me if i wanted to be part of his plan and i excitedly nodded; He laughed and said that he need to train with me but that it won't be necessarly hard since i used to work for fbi.
We entered the room with no furniture, only thing in there were ropes and pair of chains.
-I will teach you everything you need to know, if something happen you will be able to protect yourself- he announced.
-Okay, what type of training?-
-Usually the best way to teach something is while doing it so we'll be combating. And the training is done when someone loses-
-Sounds good to me but how do we know who won and who lost?-
-Eh i don't know- he started scanning the room and noticed ropes and chains.
-Oh, what if the winner is the one who ties the other up? So we can avoid serious scars and wounds.-
-Yeah okay, fight bare hands?-
-Yup, don't be upset if i win every time- he said mockingly.
-We'll see about that- i replayed with a smile as we took our defensive positions.
He attacked first, his hand was about to punch my face but thankfully i reacted on time, i kicked into his stomach with my leg as strong as i could, but he dodged and i lost balance. I didn't fall and i threw another punch at him, this time i aimed his neck. He also dodged this one but i left small scar on there. I noticed his sight, he was looking in my face, so i thought that's exactly where he will be kicking, but i was wrong. As he was about to throw a punch i prepared my hands and posited them in front of my face, but, he punched me directly into the stomach, my eyes were wide open as i started coughing blood. I fell on the floor holding my stomach and my mouth. -Shit- i cursed through coughs. My vision went blury but eventually i shakely stood up. I wipped off the blood from my mouth and looked at him with my pretty useless vision..
-Damn that was clever-
He smiled and he was about to punch me again, but this time i dodged and kicked him in the neck, he fell. After that, he tried to stand up but i stood above him and smashed his face.
He was holding his nose which was bleeding, but i made sure to not kick enough strong to break it. He cursed silently but stood up. I thought he would throw another strike but he didn't, he started stepping backward, and i was going after him as i didn't know what he was up to. Suddenly, he changed his direction, in the blink of eye, he was standing behind me, but i didn't even get a chance to turn around when he said:
-Better luck next time Conejita, i won- then, everything went black..
Next thing i knew, i woke up and saw him standing above me, i felt my arms, but they were in ropes. I was pretty pissed, then i heard him saying:
-Told you i was going to win-
-You're just a proud bastard nothing more, don't always act like you are the best. Also i hate you- i rolled my eyes, maybe i was a bit envy and harsh but he deserved it.
He was untiyng me when he said:
-Maybe i am, but you love me anyways, so stop denying it.-
- I'll win next time!- i demanded ignoring his announcment.
-I hope so, Sunshine- he smiled kindly -also you were really good, your punches and kickes are precise and i must admit i underestimated you a bit, forgive me, no se repetirа́ (it won't happen again)-
I smiled saying :
-Never miscalculate your opponent..-
As we got outside the room he suggested that we should go get checked in the medical room. I nodded but unfortunantly when we arrived we saw Mari- oh no she was in shock when she saw us.
-Blake! Lucía! What is going on ?!- she was obviously glad to see us like that.
As she was bandaging us we explained her the situation, but, i wish we didn't, because she started lecturing us right away like she was our mom or something.. jeez; We got pretty annoyed so as soon as she was done we mumbled "thank you" and rushed out. We heard her screaming: - You two reckless idiots i won't be bandaging you again!-
We laughed as we knew she was bluffing.
While we were walking down the hallway i saw a piano in the corner. I've been passing there so many times but never noticed it.
I asked him if he liked the piano and he said that he used to play when he was younger, but that he doesn't have much time lately. I clapped and draged him to the piano.
-C'mon play something! Pleasee..-
-Come onn i am begging you!-
-Okay okay fine-
He gave up and started playing "for elise".
I was without words it was so magical so.. flawless.
It seemed like his fingers were liberaly flying down the keys.. I could see he missed playing on piano and that he was doing it from the bottom of his heart, i was also playing myself, but i can't imagine playing with this much happiness. I was also bringing some past memories back from this song so i was very thankfull.. As he ended, my eyes were in tears; I hugged him tight and thanked him again and again for this experience.. He asked if i played too, i nodded but admited that he was playing with more heart and better than i ever will.. Even tho he didn't admit how much he missed playing, nowdays i can hear piano almost every morning when i wake up, and i oftenly notice him near piano. And i never miss the shine in his eyes when he's playing, i can say he's much happier than he'd been before..
1 week later

After a lot of training i was finally able to anticipate his punches and react properly; So this time i was ready to win. As i started kicking low cause through time i realized those were his weak spots, i started dodging his punches because i remembered him telling me that sometimes is more important to dodge the attack than to attack back, so that's what i was doing for a while. Ultimately, i managed to catch his fist while he was trying to punch my face, as i twisted his arm behind his back, i kicked in the leg causing his losing balance. I got few punches into the stomach and arms but as i kicked his neck i said while smirking: Better luck next time amor, i won- and the strikes stopped.. I managed to tie him up, but, unlike him i used chains. I sat on some chair in there and patiently waited for him to wake up..
He opened his eyes, he looked a bit dizzy, but, when it seemed like he came to his back "him", he turned around a bit panicking as i waved to him while grinning.
I leaned forward saying: -So Amor, how does it feel to kneel on the ground in chains in front of your master?-
-You should know the best, Conejita- he smiled back.
It reminded me of all the times i ended up in his position so i got pissed, fortunantly i didn't lose my cool but said:
-With that attitude of yours, i am afraid i won't be able to let you go, neither you would, because, well, those aren't ropes..- i smiled as i noticed his smirk fading when he realized he was in chains and not ropes.
-Well well we're not so confident as before, are we?-
He didn't answer immediately, but eventually he said:

- This is the only time you won, so enjoy it as much as you can- he chuckled.
-With pleasure..-
Soon we were both laughing as i came over and untied him.
-Congrats Conejita, you're finally ready to join our team-
I was so excited, he led me to some room, which looked like an office, in there, my eyes had met with three more pairs. Blake introuduced me to them as one of the members, two of them greeted me and even smiled but the third one seemed pissed and turned to Blake:
-Why do we need a girl? She'll probably be a bait but otherwise she'll be useless.-
-Um i am here bitch- i reminded.
He leaned closer to me saying: -Listen girl i'll beat the shit out of you, so better shut up-
I got so pissed, this guy is a total asshole, i started approaching him but i felt hand on my shoulder-Blake, he lip synced me a small: "don't", he looked even more pissed than i was, but i stopped and he said: Listen up, she's strong, and she's the member whether you want it or not, you'll treat her like every other part of the team, now shut up.-
-Yeah man, give girl a chance- said one of the boys, i remembered him as James.
-...Okay that's it, James and Mark ya'll can fight the guard?- They both nodded. Excellent, then Anthony, Su-Lucía you'll be going with me inside. We nodded too, but of course Mark had to have something to say.
-Don't bring her with you, she'll just slow you down.-
I took a deep breath again, trying not to punch him. I guess all of them got tired of his attitude because the other guy Anthony said:
- Dude c'mon what has she done to you?!-
-Yeah i am sorry you're in love with Blake but c'mon it isn't a reason to hate me- i said as i shruged.
I heard loud laughing behind me, when i turned around, i saw Anthony, Blake and James laughing their butt's off, but Mark was so angry that i could feel his hating look on me, but i honestly didn't care.
He was silent after that so i thought he'll let me be. But i was wrong, when we were about to end the plan i asked:
-When exactly are we doing it?-
James opened mouth to answer but Mark interrupted: -,Why didn't you listen slut? Too busy checking Blake out?-
When he said it, both Blake and i got disgusted, and the minute i looked at Blake, he gave me a small nod and i smiled.
Two seconds later, i got behind Mark, twisting his arms behind his back. The terror in his eyes was something incredible. I was willing to break them, but if i do it, he will be useless for our plan. As i kicked both of his legs, he fell on the ground. My leg hit his back with one more time and i stood up.
-Next time when you call someone disgusting names, doesn't matter what gender they are, expect to get beaten up- i smiled.
James and Anthony were standing in shock. In the other hand, Blake gave me a proud smile, and kissed my forehead saying: -Told you, she's strong and worth to be part of the team-..
When the meeting was done Blake and i got out of the room and he started telling me how proud he was and how he's sorry about Mark.
-He's never been like this i don't know what got into him-
I said it was fine and that i am sure he won't be insulting me again. We both laughed and he carried me to my room as usually..
In eve of the 14th december we were all at our positions, three of us were on the bridge, we were waiting for Anthonys and Marks command to enter. As we heard "It's safe" we entered the mansion as silent as we could, we managed to come into the main hall without anyone noticing. I already admired this huge house although it was sad we had to leave it so soon. We inflitrated into the president's room and saw him laying on the chair. Like we planned i hid behind him. Blake came into the office with a gun while James stood in front of the room in case something unplanned happens.
Blake pointed a gun to Tyler (the president) and slightly raising his tone said: - Wake up!-
He opened his eyes and was in complete shock; He was about to scream but Blaked added: Shut up and listen, you're going to obey what i say and you won't be warning any of your bodyguards because if you even try to, you'll be dead. He laughed and pointed a pistol at him too. But, Blake and i were smirking as well, when i positioned a knife near his neck saying:
- Not so fast, better listen to him or i'll knock of your head.- He started sweating and i could feel his heartbeat, he was terrified. Blake and i exchanged the looks as he continued:
-You're coming with us after you write down seritificat of giving your place as a president to this person, he handed him a piece of paper that he took with one shaky hand. He read it while his sweat was wetting the sheet. He trembeled but at the end he wrote everything down.
It took him about three minutes to end it. We were all silent, the only sound we could hear was slightly tapping on the paper. Name in the end looked familiar, like i've heard it before.. Andrew Evans..
We got out of the mansion as silent as we entered.
In the car, four of them sat in the back seat while Blake was driving and i was next to him. Since we were wearing black masks all he could see were our eyes. But i didn't focus on his mumbling and begs to let him go. I couldn't stop thinking about that name.. Andrew, Andrew.. Andrew Evans.. So familiar but i couldn't put a finger on that, at the and i decided to ask Blake about it, but the long trip was in front of us and i just didn't want to wait so long. Eventually i found the best way to do it;
-¿Quién va a ser el nuevo presidente?(Who is going to be the new president?)- i asked not moving my eyes from the road and making sure to not mention either Blakes or Andrews name.
-Es uno de mis asociados, aunque es un criminal muy famoso, me sorprende que no lo conozcas.(He's one of the people i am working with, although he's a famous criminal, i am surprised you don't know about him) he explained to me.
I nodded and rest of the trip was silent.

-Thanks for reminding me sunshine- i thought smiling -looks like i only remembered his real name, not his pseudonyme-

I put Tyler in cell and tied him. Now i had more time to check how did he really look like. He was an older man, about 40 years old or something like that, his uniform was in mess, and his face looked horrified too, just like the first time i saw him.
Blake pov:

I came into the cell after Lucía and she gave a small nod as she was getting out the cell. I saw him. Tyler Johnson. The satan straight from hell. Flame was growing in my eyes while i stared at his ugly face. His soulless eyes were looking at mine. Then i spoke.
-Long time no see Mr. Johnson - i smiled coldly and ironicly.
-I have no i-idea who are you-
-Maybe you don't remember me, but you surely do know my parents.. John and Alexa Phillips.-
His eyes were wide open as i mentioned my parents's names. He turned white.
-Y-You are their stupid child, damn brat who stayed alive, too bad you didn't die in that accident..-
I went insane..
I started punching his shitty face until i made him bleed. I kicked and kicked. I cut his stomach and i gave him few more slaps to get anger out of me. He fainted out of pain.. My hands were all bloody and it was already late, i assumed everybody was sleeping so i got straight to the medic room to take care of the blood. To my surprise, Lucía waited up for me in there.
-Hey Sunshine- i said -Why are you still up, you must be tired, you should go to bed..-
- I'm fine, i've been waiting for you, do you have any scars/wounds?-
I shook my head, -They are all bloody, but blood isn't mine.-
She nodded and cleaned the blood with a tissue. This scene looked so familiar to me but i couldn't realize why, something like deja viu.. My heart felt so warm around her, and i still have to get used to this feeling, because, this feeling i've felt only once..
Lucía pov
While i was cleaning his hands i noticed him looking through me, like he was thinking about something important, i wanted to ask, but just when i tried, i yawned instead. He suddenly stood up, and i was too tired to react.
-Aha i told you, it's already 5am c'mon i'll take you to your room.-
-First off, i am not tired, second of your eye bags are worst eye bags i have ever seen in my life, so you are the one who should sleep and rest..-
We went into my room, and he kissed me goodnight as always, but sadly i couldn't fall asleep so quickly.
He insisted to stay with me until i fall asleep. I wanted him to go to bed quickly, so i pretended to sleep. I balanced my breaths. That's how i made it up perfectly.
But to my surprise he didn't leave, he started fondling my cheek, his hands were so gently going through my locks of hair, i leaned on his touch uncounciously, but thankfully he didn't notice.
-I am so sorry- he said in low voice.
I was confused- Did he know i was awake? What is he sorry for? Is he talking to himself?
-I am sorry for draging you through all of this.. I should've let you live life you wanted to live, not to make you think you have an option when in fact you didn't have any.. Forgive me Conejita, once when everything comes to end i promise, i will give you the life you deserve, but you have to wait just a little bit more..-
His small talk almost made me cry, how dare he think i am unhappy with him?! Ugh i wanted to punch him and prove him how wrong he was but i had to stay silent, otherwise, he'll realize i was awake. He sat a kiss on my cheek and he got out of the room. That night, a tiny smile played on my face until i fall asleep..