

Richyomo (Ejere Omoikhojie)#8741

A teenage female journalist went on a survey to ascertain which of the sexes commercial motorcycle riders( Okada.) prefer as passengers. Her findings were very revealing and amusing.
OKADA 1: "Prefer to carry slim men"
OKADA 2: "Prefer to carry ladies on bumpy roads!"
OKADA 3: "Prefer to carry ladies clued to me on crooked roads!"

OKADA 4: "Dislikes plump ladies that makes it seems like carrying three
OKADA 5 : "Dislikes carrying women with flabby breasts that amounts to additional luggage"
OKADA 5: "Prefer to carry ladies without bra on rough roads especially when their nipples pierce me when I deliberately apply brakes that makes the trip very pleasant.Never wishing the trip to come to an end!! "
On hearing this; the female journalist bursted into laughter.
The journalist turned to Okada 5 for further gist.
JOUNALIST: "Can you explain further? "
OKADA 5: "When the nipples rest on my back,a twinkling current passes through my body"
JOUNLIST : Laughed loudly " In that case, you are not supposed to charge fare from such ladies!! "

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