

Shotgun wedding....without the wedding

The last bullet left the muzzle of his gun with a deafening bang. It took with him all his hopes of survival.
He reached for the sharp knife held at his boot strap. He wasn't going out without a fight! In his boot, held 5 throwing knives. He threw 2 which whizzed by his head. Bang!! Some pellets peppered his back. While screaming in agony, he swiftly tunnel rolled and threw 3 more which peirced the shotgun weilding man in the chest, neck and arm. The blades forced the man to drop his shotgun while he desperately tried to pull the knives out.
Swiftly, he ran to him armed with a rock and smashed him in the face. The crunching noise of his skull fracturing was enough to ensure his victory. He proceeded to pull out his throwing knives and half cleaned them and placed them back in his boot. He stood over the shotgun weilding man and spit in his face. 'That's for raping my beautiful daughter...."

© venkatjamespersaud