

other worldly Poe
I have some touches left but I love it i made one more thing to add to the wall of Poe other worldly Raven! 😍

A bird flew from our it's realm
Into reality which to the bird felt like a living hell
It posted itself before a young girl
Startled with eye brow raised she examined the bird and asked" are you from this world? The Bird answered Nevermore
Fluttering from its post he made his injured foot known
It seemed painful especially after all the way it had flown
Coraline noticed and she couldn't resist
Although the bird moved swiftly
She continue to persist
The bird poached at the entrance of a door
A door that Coraline thought she surely had seen before the bird still only muttered
It flew from a branch into the crease of the door squaking in the distance Nevermore
Although she at first chased out of COmpassion
She now questioned things no mortal man has ever questioned before
Through the door she went to explore
Unable to imagine the dream behind the door
Drizzled of blue that stuck to the wall like rock covered in goo
At the end the tunnel the bird limped out of sight
Determined to help
She overcame her fright
After stepping through the door way in seconds she entered what could only he another world
Overwhelmed and anxious
She thought
" this is no place for a little girl" when she heard the same word she had heard before it the squak of the bird it echoed down a hallway
The hallway walls were off level
All oblong and distorted
The only thing that dimly lit the hall was the flickering flame
She turned the corner and heard
" oh whats your name?"
She replied. My name is coraline what's yours"
He smirked and replied " edgar allen poe my dear
A poet is my trade, quoth my Raven Nevermore. "
She soon grew impatience of this craven dark devious Raven
Still through frustration without hesitation she aided the Raven to perfection
He fluttered his wings and flew up onto the bust above Poes chamber door
Still squaking the word "nevermore"
© Christopher j. Jarman