

C.O.T.T.A.G.E ep7
Hands bound Marielle was led by red to the cottage. No wonder no one ever found the evil scarlett minutes followers they were in hiding this whole time with a new leader.

Although the cottage looked like a fairytale barfed on it it looked harmless. Though marielle knew by now this is not a fairytale -most likely her death bed. Reality just kept slapping her in the face.

Looks really are deceiving Marielle thought to herself as they walked up to the door. Red knocked on the door and above the eye hole to eyes appeared.

"Password", a gruff voice asked rudely. This was not surprising as most of this alternate universe where myths were well not myths was almost all corrupted by evil and I was their only hope.
This was a depressing thought considering she was bound against her will. "Its me you nut head, open up for your queen",red barked in frustration.

Instantly the door opened the guard three obese pigs standing on each others shoulders. They looked familiar, oh right Marielle remembers now. These three are none other than the three little pigs.
But they looked different somehow. While red yelled at the guard Marielle observed everyone in the room. Most of these people looked familiar and without a doubt they were from children fairytales.
They must've been held here as prisoners against their will or they came here by choice. After red was finsihed she roughly pulled on Marielle binds beinging her to the center of the room.
As they walked by curious animals some humans some part humans peered at her some gawked and pointed. This made Marielle wish she had taken public speaking therapy.
Red pulled Marielle on the stage near the back whistling to get everyone's attention.
Every face had her attention most of them to afraid to disobey others loyal to the end. "Today I found something so rare even my father was unsuccessful at finding her.", Red announced proudly. The crowd went in uproar .
"Today you will witness the death of the legendary messiah who was supposedly going to defeat my father",she mocked. "What we have here is no messiah but a coward who took her life , resurrecting as a pitiful human only to live life in a dream",red explained in disgust.
"Tonight we celebrate the death of a supposed assassin of your former leader with her head hung on our walls as a reminder of who's in charge",Red said all to cheerful.
"Your father said the same thing and look what happened",a teenager boy said from the front row twiddling a knife through his fingers.

© kbkma1917