

The story of my life
I used to be a smoker not because I liked too but how I felt inside 💔
I never thought i'de be one but something's were never planned to happen....
My life changed completely I lost love and respect from people I dearly loved but no matter what family is always there for each other ♥️ they never thought I would be a smoker and it hurted them I could see that through their eyes 😔but what they never knew was that there were things that hurted me that led me to the path I took

I always wrote poems and stories made promises to myself that I would leave my ways but yet it was difficult ,I was angry but I told myself that wouldn't help or solve anything 💔
I stopped going outside , stopped having friends and spent my time on family and sports things that could make me busy ❣️I told myself sadness ,anger ,stress shouldn't be the reason why I fade ending up fuckin up my life but a competition that would build me up stronger 💪 and confident 😊
Here I am today a young beautiful girl looking forward leaving my past behind

I was a tennage girl who excelled at school every year got rewards and certificates ,yes I disappointed my parents , disappointed my family ...

I wasn't liked by many people and I made them happy by my wrong paths 😔
I lost my badge and love from my teachers my marks started dropping and I started not to care
I was caught with weed at school and they called my father ,I was scared frightened 😶... When my father arrived he looked at me they told him and showed him the weed 😔he started crying 😭 infront of me 💔 because of me I felt bad heart broken and wished to turn back time
I was expelled at school for two weeks and it gave me time to sit down with my family and tell them how I felt and what led my to my wrong doings 💔they were broken 😢

2 weeks later I went back to school I was shy and embarrassed to face my peers and the teachers I was laughed and reminded by what happened I couldn't defend myself due to the pain and regret 😔
they made jokes about me teased me but I left them I became lonely had nobody to talk too but all I could think about was my life and what happened 💔I tried to forget but it still kept on passing through my mind
My friends turned their backs on me but I let them go ...they gossiped about me I didn't care anymore I had to learn my lesson

I went to every teacher and apologized I knew they were disappointed 😔 I approached my register teacher and she gave me a hug 😭I started crying realising that I still had people I could ask for help
I finally felt that feeling again of being loved I became confident ❤️

I told myself I will proof that I have changed and that's what happened
Today I speak confident without crying about my story