

The crimson spider
Seriously, this man lacks brains. Did he just call me Mupa. Now I look like some kind of idiot instead of a monster hunter. If Ray was here, he would've laughed his ass out. He's probably playing cool with his countless wives surrounding him. Dam it. I feel like beating him to a pulp. Who the hell would want such a ridiculous name. Blayze was shocked. The name was a lot worse than what he had expected. Uraza gang was cheering. The rest of the people laughed to death. They were making fun of Blayze.

Now I'm standing here as a joke. How absurd. Well, I'm out of here, right now. I'm going to pretend that I'm going to use the restroom, and then I'll make a run for it. Blayze took a step forward. This so called 'gang' was a calamity and nothing less.

"Hey, Mupa. Where do you think your going", Tonpon asked.

Dam you, don't call me that! You made this the worst day of my life and now your trying to make it even worse. How the f**k did I end up in this so called 'gang'. He did his best not to scream angrily. "I'm going to the toilet"

"Don't be shy, Mupa. You can do that later. Let's feast!"

Dompon or whatever your called, I swear I will rip you limb from limb! And just when I thought I was coming for a drink this happened. How absurd. This is absurd. "I'll go first. We can feast when I come back"

"All right, fine by me. We'll be celebrating!"

Oh, thank god he didn't call me that again. I just want to punch him in the face. Well, now I'm out of here. I'll get out through the toilet's window.

Regardless of that. It seemed to be fun for him. The only thing that was bothering him was the names. If Ray had heard his 'new' name. He would've been calling him that for the rest of eternity.

He walked to the back door of the bar.

The Uraza crew was staring at him. "You better speed up. We're celebrating!", a woman from Uraza said. Blayze started plotting a plan. He has to get away without them noticing anything. And after that, now one will. Ever see him in this bar again. He'd rather piss his pants than put foot in it. Well, his club was not that bad. He opened the door and stepped in. I'll do my job before I run away. The toilet was dirty and brown with yellow. Looks like it wasn't cleaned in ages. He took some toilet paper and climbed on the restroom (Blayze never sit on a restroom, he stands on it). He sighed and observed the window. It was small, maybe too small to go through. From his post he heard the Uraza club laughing along with the other people. Wait, John and Navy should be here any moment. Or are they going somewhere else? Blayze would probably get fired by the master for drinking. Not that he can drink now. He can't do that while the club is present. If he stays too long in the toilet, Tonpon would probably bust in he guessed. He was half asleep. Literally. It was Monday night now. And he's standing on a dirty toilet instead of laying on bed. The next day he won't get a mission, only if there's an emergency. Hunters don't get missions right after a mission. Later he'll hang out with John and Ray, and he hoped that Ray isn't going to bring his four hundred wives along with him. He was so tired that he barely stayed awake. He had slept less the past three days.

The people started screaming louder than before, and he heard something walking and throwing tables around the bar. Was someone going crazy?

I'll go take a look.

He didn't think of escaping right now. Out of nothing a long sword appeared in his right hand, and he opened the door slowly. They were all running around and jumping out of windows. The barkeeper had disappeared. The front door was obliterated completely and tables were cut in half. The bar was covered with spider webs, and they were abnormally large. Outside the bar he saw a red thing. It has six thin legs and was 8 feet large. Blayze spotted four black eyes. It was a crimson spider. The most dangerous and powerful of all the spider monsters. This one was still a kid.

I won't let anyone die!

The spider grabbed a man with its web and dragged him toward itself. The man's eyes was full of fear, and he screamed louder than any of the other people.

"I'm pretty sure you're tasty. I'm hungry and you look delicious".

Blayze didn't know that they were able to talk.

Blayze wasn't sleepy anymore. His grip on the saber tightened and he moved it by an inch. A whooshing sound passed from the inside of the bar and stopped a few feet behind the spider. The spider's web was cut in half and the man had disappeared.

"Huh, what the hell was that. Who stole my meal. I'll eat that person alive!"

Behind the spider the man was sitting on the ground and someone stood beside him with the left leg in front of the right. The person held his sword in front of him his back turned to the crimson spider.

"Huh, how dare you turn your back to me. And when did you get there, a second ago you was standing behind the tables like you could fall asleep at any moment. You're the one who stole my food. Now I'm pissed"

The spider turned its face to the man with the sword. He turned around.

"My name is Blayze, and I'm a monster hunter. If you want to eat this man, you'll have to go through me first!". Blayze turned around, and he said to the man sitting on the ground: "You're not safe here, go somewhere else. If you stay here you will get killed for sure!"

The man did not hesitate. He stood up and ran away.

"A monster hunter! I'm sure you're tasty. Finally, it's time to devour a monster hunter. I can not imagine how tasty a hunter is. Come here, let me eat you!"

"Your talking too much. Can't wait your just shut up!"

"All right. I will shut up".

The crimson spider produced dreads even harder than n steel ones. Blayze engaged it.

"Let's play. Ready or not, here I come"n

The spider verse jumped ten feet in the air.

Blayze stopped right under it and held his sword above his heart. If I go backwards or forwards I might not be able to defend myself.

"Crimson spider technique, web cave!"

It produced a slimy bal through its mouth and blew it right to Blayze.

Blayze pointed his sword to the ground and jumped right into the prison.

"Hahahaha, he's going right into my prison. He's a dead man!"

The web cave split into two pieces. The spider verse saw moon light reflecting on steel, and it vanished and suddenly. The web cave was sliced in four pieces.

"Dam it! He's fast and I underestimated him. No problem. I won't be so careless".

The spider landed on the ground and so did Blayze. He was covered in slime. He was standing in the same stance. "You disappoint me. Your weak for a crimson spider. Even a five-year-old kid could've chopped you in a thousand pieces of with a kitchen knife!"

"What did you say?! You you want to see me going all out? Fine then!"

Blayze held his sword with both hands and took a step backward.

"Crimson spider technique, one hundred piercing dreads!"

The dreads he produced were different and were as sharp as needles.

More than ten strings flew towards. They were thicker than the first one. Probably stronger.

The first one missed him and sliced a tree in half.

If I get scratched by one of these things. I'm going to die instantly. But still. I can dodge them all.

Blayze jumped in the air and landed on one of the striking dreads. The direction of the other dreads changed, they came after him. The spider opened its mouth bigger and more of them came out. Several walls and windows shattered.

He dodged the dreads easily. They were coming from all directions. His sword flashed, and two dreads were sliced in half. The spider started growling, and its attacks became more intense. The street was completely destroyed and people ran out of their houses. A little girl fell on the ground crying out loud. The spider attack her immediately. Blayze turned around and vanished with a whooshing sound. Ten flashes appeared out of nothing. The dreads were all cut in half. The monster couldn't hurt the girl.

No way. Is he even human or is this the strength of a monster hunter? He might be more powerful than a full-grown crimson spider!

The six legged monster was impressed by his speed.

Even if I attack him along with those people at the same time he's just going to slice them all. My dreads are harder than steal, but it's child's play for him to cut through. I'm completely outclassed by him!

The spider jumped over a house and made a run for it.

"Don't run away. Didn't you said that you're going to eat me?" Blayze asked.

He jumped on the roofs of the houses and ran towards the spider. His speed was beyond that of a human and the black cloak on his shoulders was fluttering in the wind. He jumped smoothly over the roofs and was easily keeping up with the spider and came closer and closer to it. Five houses were destroyed by its dreads even tougher than steel, but the blade of a monster hunter was enhanced by magic and could cut through anything. Blayze slowed down and jumped while raising his sword in the air with both hands. It was just like he was levitating.

The spider looked upwards with its eyes wide open and full of fear.

I can't outrun him and I don't have enough dreads over to counterattack.

"My face is the last thing you'll see. It was a bad idea underestimating someone who is leagues above you. You're going to die right now".

Blayze closed his eyes and turned upside down. The sword was pointed at the head of the spider. He was calm completely. His breath was slow and his blood circulation got better. It seemed like he was unconscious. His brain was empty, and no thoughts were flowing trough it.

The spider couldn't escape this. If he tried to jump from the roof he was going to crash on the e ground.

His mouth opened slowly.

"Sword slicing technique".

His eyes opened,and veins appeared on his arms.

"Number one".

His eyes opened, and the sword started glowing on its own. The air got warmer around him.

"Dive and pierce".

It happened in less than one second. The spider's head was separated from its body, and Blayze was standing on the ground with his sword pointed forwards. The spider's head fell before him and its body collapsed.
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