

As the wind blew beyond the woods, someone’s heart deflated behind the window. Two downcast orbs glistened with nostalgia. The woman’s slender fingers grazed the torn paper with regrets. Even the approaching storm couldn’t match the intensity of her emotions.

“I wish I listen to you,” she whispered.

The first drops of rain became the harbinger of her almost forgotten pain, the one she tried to bury deep within.

In the backyard of their gigantic mansion, she saw her younger self under the tutelage of her mother’s wisdom. The carefree, young girl who loved the unattainable and neglected those who really matter.

“When I grow up, I will build an enormous castle for us to live. Our house is too small. I don’t like it.” She sighed, eyes gleamed with grandeur.

“We don’t need a castle, baby. We only need a home we can call our own,” her mother replied.

“What do you want me to give to you, Mom?”

“Just be happy. That is all I ever wanted from you.”

“But a castle will make me happy,” she replied.

“Darling, I know you more than anyone else. I knew you fell in love with the stars before you even know the Earth is round. And I fear your decisions in the future will be anchored with what you feel and not with what you understand.”

The woman wept, for her mother was right. She read the last part from the letter she wished she hadn't opened.

‘Loving someone who chased a lot of paths, she feels fascinating, is exhausting. I’m sorry if I can no longer run with you.’

She now had her own castle. Was she happy? No.

Was she alone? Yes.
© HoneyKegod