

Christ Consciousness
Wednesday: Day three of three.

Aishwarya and I decided on looking into the life of Christ and how we could use some of his teachings to improve ourselves. We will spend the day studying through chapters of The Bible & focusing on key points. I have always found praying on my knees such a beautiful way of surrender to The Almighty.

Jesus Christ and the art of Christ Consciousness teaches us to love all despite the situation. In some of our darkest moments, we look to him for guidance, relief & understanding.

He is the embodiment of passive resistance & grace. With him, it's never about conditions. It's always unconditional love, forgiveness and understanding. He was a martyr, the embodiment of sacrifice and laying his life down for his friends. He is the "friend" you call on in your absolute worst moments. Down in the doldrums, somehow or the other, you will feel his love. His love covers you from head to toe and strengthens you when you feel weak. As depicted in the popular verse Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

He is the man who will be there when everyone else fails you. Not for anything except comfort and love. Closing off all the background noise of the modern day divisions, by learning about Christ there is so much we can extract and practice in our daily lives. There are days for waging war and there are days when you have to turn the other cheek, much like Christ did. Crown of nails, nailed on a cross and he wept, asking God to forgive those who hurt him. Metaphorical or not.
Who will ever have such grace? Is it still a thing these days?

Christ lived a life of charity and his main goal was to serve. He travelled through towns, sharing knowledge and teaching love via his parables. Often we get caught up in fancies of life but how beautiful it is to learn that Christ showed up for the sinners? You didn't have to be perfect for him to sit with you. He had meals with the lame, the blind, the sick and the poor. He never judged anyone, he even shared a meal with a prostitute. He shows up for the ones who are used to being shunned away and turned down. The last come first and the first end up last.

If humility was ever taught, it was via the life of Christ. How often do we become blind to the needs of others? How quickly we judge not realising that we just need to show up with non judgment, unconditional love and acceptance of all.
© Memoirs of Maryannable's Mashables