

Happy Kingdom

Never thought I will come to this dimension of my life. Every thing seems reasonable and safe even though I know this is completely opposite to where I should be.

Fear of loosing, fear of being ugly and showing it, dissatisfaction and regret, unhappiness in the moments living, unhappy with people and their bonds-
these all get resolved when I enter my own dimension like being granted an alternate birth in this lifetime.

I have stopped caring for the things i am going to loose or happened. I look up to the sky to just be another person with me being safe and happy at the end. Still ambitious, longing for a story that is not within limits.

Months ago, i dipped into sea of alcohol(addiction), I am doing nothing but trying to erase those filthy dark memories. No longer i look down upon crying cause i made some beautiful memories in fragments when i cried. I reassure myself that I can be happy after taking it all out, I can get up and fight.
What i missed growing up-
smiling ear to ear while i was busy figuring it out if i look ugly in that.

I don't know God what i am doing and if it is correct in the first place but I am happy after a series of failures and unreasonable acts. I accept you punishing me for wrongs, please embrace me when it is over!☘️

I want to forget people from past and meet them who can bring me in my happy appearance without payment. I can be best for them and they for me. I want a ray of hope, and no longer humiliation. I will put everything on stake to acheive my aims. Even if I don't get the position which is first in terms of society, I can create a completely new world and be best there. I can do it.

kudos to beautiful glances of life, innocently motivating me every second.
© Aqiu🎈