

A Rant : WritcoStoryPrompt78
Like hitting a rock with a hammer, life hits us hard sometimes. Tell us a story about the hardships in your life.

I live a great and noble life, privileged, and lucky. I'm grateful for all that I've received, but it's taken a lot to get here stably. I'm still not stable really... Today, I've moved fourteen times since I was born. I'm nineteen.

I've left behind people, places, and things that I cherrished. And then, without a choice, I've been made to move again. I don't know what it's truly like to be in a warm home other than with my family. But that too has been on and off during our endless moves. We've been separated by the distance and weakened by financial wreckages.

We've overcome so much but it's so hard to beat. I know I come out stronger, but I don't do that for myself. I have younger siblings who don't understand sometimes. I have to keep smiling for them, fighting for them. My parents go through enough stressing about us and our future, I have to smile for them too.

It's my father's work that moves us place to place. We pretty much rely on wherever we move to for money. It's gone downhill before, more than once, but not more than I can count on one hand. Thankfully.

I hope our future consists of complete stability and sovereignty against the terrific fate we've had to undergo. I hope to settle and feel comfortable enough to attach myself to friends, without the fear of losing more people getting in the way. I hope to feel safe in unfamiliar places and have the ability to call it my home.

But for now, I'll stay strong.

- Rayven Moon

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