

A Life Story
I don't know how to start this, but I will try to make it worth a reading for the viewers. So yes let's start it. Do you ever feel that gut wrenching pain? Like your mind goes blank, your hands go numb, your heart aches but you are not able to cry even though you want to. We were all in the same page someday. We constantly tell ourselves that it's okay, it's alright.. everything will turn out nicely but deep down we knew that things do not always go the way we want them to. Even after calming down for a while, we find ourselves lost in the sea of thoughts with no one around us to understand. Some of us do find people to confide in, but something doesn't fit right. We still feel a missing piece within our conversations. There is a continuous voice telling us, "what if the other person isn't listening or what if he or she isn't interested?" So we stop sharing furthermore. I get it. In fact we all do. So now what? It's hampering our mental state. But we are forced to accept it and move on. Some people even say that it's not a big deal. Life has other problems. But they do not understand that this one is also a major problem for us. Hello to my distant Aunt, I am not able to sleep. I have developed insomnia. Oh it's alright.. you won't understand anyways. And therefore some of us sit in the corner of our room with a page and a pen, scribbling notes or drawings in order to heal. It works to be honest. For me it does. I hope it does for you too because nobody is this world can understand your pain like you do for yourself. It might sound a bit harsh but it's the truth. Oh this seemed more of a relatable personal story rather than a normal one. I just hope all of you stay strong and love yourself. This world might be cruel but you are a warrior and warriors never surrender. Thank you for reading it. You deserve so much (you all are stars)...
© Rifsss