

Haka Moto
People may wonder who Haka Moto is. Haka Moto was a young dancer that dreamed of becoming the best, but she was always in the shadow of her sister who she envied from day one. they both shared the same interest of ballet and dancing to all kinds of music, but her sister had always taken the spotlight.

Her sister had golden hair that flowed so freely, while hers was dark and dull. Her sister's eyes were green like emeralds while hers were dull gray.

Haka Moto was never able to forgive her sister for what she did 3 years before though. Her sister had taken her her best friend, her only friend that was there for her when she was sad, angry, and happy. Her sister had spread the rumor that she stole her mother's wedding ring and sold it to buy herself new dancing shoes. Of course it was a lie, but Haka Moto was never forgiven by her parents.

Favoritism had killed Haka Moto...

Haka Moto heard of a witch that lived in the woods near her home, so one day she ran to the witch's house. she gave the witch 20 coins and begged her to make her sister's life miserable. the witch did so but Haka Moto did not realize the consequences.

Her sister everyday from then started coughing out a black liquid. Her once gold hair turned into a musty green and her eyes had forbed into spirals.

She just wanted her sister to get injured and never be able to dance again. she went back to the witch's home but the witch was not there.

There was only a letter on a tree stump that said "If you want your sister back, dump the black liquid on your head. You will be controlled by the spirit that controls her." and then the wind began rustling the trees.

Haka Moto ran to her sister's home. The bucket of black liquid sat their, moving almost. Her sister looked at her with disgust.

Even though she hated her sister for everything she had done, she took the bucket and dumped it on her head.

It started burning her alive, but she realized that it made her an obsidian black ballet outfit. Haka Moto started to smile. She was in pain, but her new beauty had dazzled her eyes.

Her once dark hair now silky and flying. Her eyes looked like spirals and had black liquids flowing out. Her skin was now pale and she had pure black lips. Her outfit was shiny but dripped with dread.

Her smile...
It was cracked and a white substance began to fall out...

A small boney creature crawled up her back and whispered a command that she was obligated to do.

She walked out of her house and danced her whole way back to the forest.

There in the forest, she entered the black portal entrance into WOM (world of mythics) which she was greeted by a hunchbacked cloak that welcomed her in.

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