

Jungle Times(Newspaper )
1. Harris Elephant, the famous diplomat dies

Elephant street: Harris, a well – known diplomat dies of heart attack on yesterday. While giving a lecture to the monkeys he felt a chest pain and was takento the hospital there he died. He had been working as an Ambassador in the human world as a representative of the animals. He was appreciated for his efforts in bringing peace between humans and the animals.
Many remembered his remarkable contributions in solving so many issues among them. The tiger – Lion habitat issue, Gorilla – Chimpanzee issue, white Frog –Brown Frog racial discrimination etc. are some among them.
“We have lost a great animal. Let us pray for his soul rest in peace”, the president of the Animal Society Mr. Bush Elephant said in his funeral speech. Many wept while the funeral procession passing through the jungle road.
2. And the Oscar goes to

Tiger gate : Animal Oscar Awards announced. The best Actor goes to Tiger Khan for his film ‘My name is Tiger’. The film is famous for his dialogue ‘My name is Tiger and I am not a terrorist’. Nobody was surprised as it was expected.
Best Actress goes to Rose Rabbit for her film ‘Sweet Potatoes’. The Award for Best Director was won by Solomon Lion for his film ‘How to Attack’.
The Awards were given in the Forest auditorium hall where numerous personalities were present. Many animals boycotted the function as they said it was biased. The animals like Cheetah, Jaguar, and Camel etc. expressed their concern on their marginalization in the cine world, our reporter said.

3. A cat was arrested for eating a sparrow

Dog Hill: A cat named Simson who was accused of eating a sparrow arrested by the Jungle police yesterday. According to the witness, Diana, a young sparrow was passing through a cow’s shed. She saw some insects beside the cow Lekshmi. He went there in search of them. Suddenly cow dung fell on her. Seeing that Simson suddenly come for her rescue. To every body’s surprise be cleaned and ate her. He was not ashamed to do such a cruelty in front of the public.
Tortoise Pushpan who was a witness to the incident collapsed and was taken to the hospital. It is said that he is in coma now and going to be in full stop soon. Lakshmi, the cow who was unaware of this incident was also interrogated by the police. They were even more confused by the blablabla language of Lekshmi.
Reports said that Simson escaped from the scene and was in a secret place somewhere near a rat’s house. The police were able to catch him with the help of Pinki rat who is a police informer. Simson is now in police custody and soon going to be presented before the court. The cat association apologized before the sparrow community on behalf of Simson.

4. Noise Pollution Case field against a street dog

A street dog Peter was arrested for making noise pollution. The police said that Peter was making noise without any particular reason. The sleeping time of the city is 10 pm, so the dogs are not allowed to bark and assemble till 1 am except some urgent situation occurs. But Peter was barking without any provocation. Similar types of cases in the past were rejected because there were solid reasons behind it.
The police enquired the other street dogs about it. They said that he had some family problems and he had drunk that day. They requested the police to take it as a warning and not to file a case against him. Reports said that he got bail the next day.

5. FSLC results announced, first three ranks to frogs.

FSLC (Forest School Leaving Certificate) results announced and first three ranks goes to frogs. Out of the thousand students written all over the country nine hundred passed and the result is more satisfying. The awards will be presented to the winners in the jungle auditorium. While talking to the press, minister donkey simon expressed his concern over the present condition of the frogs. Though they have limited resources, their achievement is really appreciable. The minister assured them police protection against the large scale of massacre of frogs by snakes which is a serious issue faced by the country.
He is going to sign a peace treaty with King Cobra, the leader of ZZZ, a terrorist organization standing for the elimination of frogs from the earth. As the first members for getting this award the winners dedicated it to all the frog brothers of the country. We may hope this award bring some relief to the racial discrimination between green frogs and brown frogs.

6. Human Corona Crisis Animals are advised to keep away from humans.

As corona is increasing day by day in the human world, animals are requested to keep one meter distance form humans. The Health Minister said, as the first step the animal ministry recalled all the ambassadors and high commissioners sent to the various parts of the human world. The pathetic condition of the workers is a serious issue to tackle. Most of them including cats, dogs, horses etc. are stuck in the human houses and they are not able to get out from there. They are not allowed to use mobile phones during the working hours. The minister said that they have contacted the human ministry to arrange special trains and buses to export the workers to the jungle.

7. Advertisements

Engineers wanted

Quotations are invited from beavers for constructing a bridge across the river Mississippi.


The newly built rabbit school in Karimala needs teachers. All subjects are invited. Candidates are requested to report after 10 am on 24th January at the school premises.

Security guards

Cats needed to protect a tapioca farm near Thirumala. Report on 25th January.

8. A human baby was found with a pack of wolves.

A human baby was found with a pack of wolves were taken in to custody on suspicious circumstances. The reports about a criminal gang operating among the wolves notorious for illegal organ transplantation and trafficking persuaded the police to take such a bold step. The wolves said that they have saved the baby from suicide as they saw him with his mother going to commit suicide. They were not able save the mother and looking after the child since then. The wolves were soon released as the police found them innocent and the child was allowed to live with them until a guardian of the child comes.
Similar such cases were reported in the past. Those children Mowgly and Tarzan were grown up with the animal children and they have decided to stay with their animal family.

9. We Want elephants back to the forest – SAV

Small Animals Union (SAV) protested against the lack of elephants in the forest. Elephant community is very vital in maintaining ecological balance. They create Pathways in the forest by breaking branches, uprooting bushes and pushing down trees etc. They also creates waterhole with their foot which becomes riverbed in the rain. These help each and every small animal to flourish. Now they are suffering because most of the elephants are working as Ambassadors abroad. ASV has expressed their concern over the issue. If it goes on like this the small animals will be whitewashed fore ever. ASV President Rat Pankan said. The animal minister promised them that they will look seriously in to it.
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