

Anvi's Coco
The stormy rain was bucketing down on the roads, making puddles. It was 8:15 p.m. and Anvi's mother shouted “ Anvi, what are you looking at through the window? Come and have your food! ”

Anvi was watching a little puppy, who's parents were not be seen anywhere. Maybe they were also lost in this storm. The little puppy, unwilling, was roaming here and there in search of food.
Anvi didn't bother to eat her food, instead, she took a piece of bread and a packet of biscuits with her and went downstairs along with her umbrella.

Her brother, Manu shouted “ Mummy, sister went downstairs. ” Anvi's mother came, scanned the room and asked “ Why? ” Manu shook his head and said “ I don't know ” Anvi's mother looked out through the window. She saw Anvi feeding a puppy. She was delighted, but called Anvi back to eat her food.

Everyone sat down and ate their food. Anvi's father asked “ What were you doing downstairs, Anvi? ” Anvi told him that she was feeding a puppy. Manu rolled his eyes and said “ You should bother first to eat your own food, then feed others ” Anvi patted him on his back lightly and said “ You are teaching me to do the opposite ”

After finishing her food, Anvi again went to the window. Her brother said “ Are you crazy, didi? ” and giggled. Anvi said “ I am watching the puppy. It is resting under the shelter of our home ”
Manu stood up, kept his book down and went to see. “ Let's go and pet it! ” whispered Manu. Anvi shook her head “ Not now, maybe tomorrow! Let it sleep peacefully ”

Anvi and Manu played a little and then studied together. Their father said “ It's almost 9:30, now you both should go to sleep. Tomorrow you have to go to school, summer vacations will start next week! ” “ Wow what a poem! ” shouted Manu. Anvi giggled and took Manu with herself to sleep.

Manu had slept, but Anvi was thinking about the puppy she had fed. She thought worriedly what if she never meets the puppy again? The puppy goes somewhere where Anvi could never find it?
She had a strong will ( strange well, why would someone worry to find a stray puppy?) to meet it once again.

Anvi woke up at 4:30 a.m. She never does, no one knows how. She quietly stepped off the room and looked here and there. She went to the living room and peeped out of the window. She found neither any human being nor any animal in that darkness. Anyways, who wakes up so early in this century?

She did her normal chores silently (as everyone was sleeping) and went downstairs with a torch. You might have guessed, she went to find the puppy!
She searched for it on the roaside, behind the houses, in the parks and grounds, in the bushes and behind the trees. She even bent down and peeped under the cars as stray animals like to rest there.

It is not like — she didn't find any dog or puppy. She found many dogs like that puppy but sharply remembered it and was looking for that one only. Even after searching for almost 1 hour, she didn't find it. She was willing to search even more, but remembered she had to go to school.

She returned back unsatisfied and saw Manu peering at her. “ Where were you, didi? ”
Anvi stammered “ I... I was finding... the puppy ” Manu stood quiet for 2 minutes staring at her.
He said “ Mummy was upset — you went outside so early without informing anybody. Mummy and Papa were finding you from half an hour!! You have seriously gone mad for a stray puppy! ” Anvi didn't say a word. She was also thinking why she is worried for a unknown puppy without any reason.

Anvi found her mother preparing breakfast for everyone. She looked at Anvi and asked “ What do you want? That puppy for feeding again or you're thinking to keep it as your pet? ” Anvi also didn't think of keeping it as her pet. It was a nice idea for her, but her parents would not let her do so.

“ Anyways ”, Anvi thought. “ Manu! It's 6! What are you doing? ” she asked. Manu shouted “ Do your own work, I am doing mine ” Anvi frowned and went to do breakfast.
She was still contemplating about the greatest of all - The Puppy. She whispered “ I keep calling it ' puppy '. What if I name it? ” “ Do name it, but not now. ” Manu was standing mixing his cereal with milk. “ Come, sit ” said Anvi.
“ Do you want that puppy, didi? ” “ Yes. I want to keep it as my pet, but...”

“ But Papa and Mummy will not agree, right? ” said Manu in a soft tone. “ You got it ” said Anvi sadly. They both ate their breakfast and went to do other work. On 7:10, their father shouted “ Where are you both? Come fast! ” Manu and Anvi arrived with their backpacks and went to their school. They met Nancy, Anvi's friend on the way.

Anvi's mind was stuck on the puppy. When the first period started, Anvi was still thinking about it. “ What are the cutest names for a little puppy? Tommy is too casual. Coco? ” She found ' Coco ' flawless for the puppy. The name is cute just like it.

“ Anvi, What do you mean by biodegradable? Anvi I called you! Where are you lost? ” shouted Anvi's science teacher. “ Miss..... Can you please repeat the question? ” said Anvi softly. Other children started gossiping. Anvi's teacher knew she can answer, so she frowned a little, but repeated.
Anvi said “ Miss... Biodegradable means any substances that are... easily mixed up in the soil..... Ah.. Umm ” Anvi's teacher sighed and said “ That's ok but you are behaving weird, Anvi ” Anvi was feeling ashamed.

After the teacher went back and started teaching, Nancy whispered “ Anvi, what are you thinking about? ” Anvi said “ Let her teach, Nancy. I'll tell you later ”

After school, when Anvi, Manu and Nancy were returning, Manu told Nancy everything about the admiration of Anvi. Nancy laughed “ Keep it as your pet Anvi, uncle and aunty will, one day, accept it ” Anvi was uplifted. She said “ My dear Coco as my pet!! ” “ Coco, who? That puppy? ” asked Manu. “ Yes! ” answered Anvi.

Later, Anvi called Nancy and told her that she couldn't find Coco anywhere. “ I searched for it in the morning also! ” cried Anvi. “ Let's meet at 4 near the playground. I will help you in finding it! ” said Nancy delightedly.
Manu also arrived there with Anvi. All of them tried to search Coco in different directions. “ Manu, don't go too far, you're very small ” alerted Nancy. “ I know didi ”

Anvi informed Nancy about how it looks. “ White in colour, Big bright eyes. Furry and small, but very very wise ” Almost after 40 minutes, Nancy came back to the playground and shouted “ Here it is, Anvi and Manu, your Coco-the-great ”

Anvi was extremely delighted to see her Coco. She took it from Nancy and everyone started petting it. “ But this can be dangerous! ” exclaimed Nancy. “ You should first inject him ” Anvi said “ It hurts! My poor Coco! ” Manu exclaimed “ Your Cocoa doesn't need to take injections every day didi! It's only for today! ”

Anvi accepted and said “ Bye Nancy and I am really very grateful to you for finding him! ” After that Manu and Anvi were going back to their house when Anvi suddenly shouted “ Mummy - Papa!! ” Manu exclaimed “ Where!!? ” “ Oh! I am saying—What about them? ” “ We will think what we have to do after reaching ” consolidated Manu.

Both of them flitted upstairs itching their foreheads. “ What do you think Manu? What will be Mummy's reaction? ” whispered Anvi. “ God knows ” whispered Manu. Manu softly opened the door. Their mother was bringing snacks and kept them on the table. “ Have these, I am bringing your ice-creams ”
“ Mumma ” said Manu softly. “ Yes, what? ” answered his mother. “ Umm... this... see... ” stammered Anvi. “ What is this!!? Why did you bring this dirty stray dog here!! ” shouted her mother. Now this sentence was enough for Anvi to shut up.

Manu said “ Mummy, this is Coco, our pet! And you don't worry, I and didi will clean it! Not only clean, but we'll do all the chores—feeding it, teaching it, taming it, brushing it...” “ Shut up Manu! ” shouted their mother. “ I will never allow you both to keep this fellow at home!! ”
What next? Manu started a drama! Anvi also didn't expect all this from her little brother. Manu started crying and whispering “ Oh Mummy!! Why are you being so rude and cruel towards this little cutie! On a stormy night, Didi found it roaming here and there for food! This few months old puppy doesn't deserve all this! His parents were lost in this cruel rain!! ”

Their mother looked at Coco. Its big bright eyes and cute face with a smile didn't even let their mother deny. The kids jumped with joy. “ But listen, I will not go anywhere to...” “ Ok fine! We will go with Papa, Mummy ” said Anvi happily.

When their father came back, both of them had a new task— Persuade him also. After many trials and emotional drama, they both were successful.

The next day, Anvi and Manu made Coco bath and it was looking new later! Later, Manu said “ Let's go and buy dog food for it!! ” “ Ok, take this money and go, you will get dog food on the General store ” suggested his mother.
“ No Mummy! I mean yes mummy but I mean... ” “Don't make tongue twisters, Manu! ” said Anvi. “ Ah... Yes... I mean mummy that I have promised not to bother you for anything related to Coco, I will buy it from my pocket money ” “ From mine also! ” said Anvi.

Both of them quickly went to the store and bought a pack of dog food for Coco. They immediately started feeding it after coming back. “ We also have to get it injected ” “ Oh yes! ” exclaimed Manu.

Their father took a holiday and went with the children and Coco to get it injected. Anvi closed her eyes as she couldn't bear the pain of Coco, but do you know what? Coco was still smiling! It didn't even frown while getting injected.

Now Anvi and Manu could play with him as much as they want. “ Now it's the time to go to school didi! ” exclaimed Manu.

After returning home, Manu suggested “ Let's call Nancy didi also! We will play together! ” “ Yes, but... I think we should gather in the playground, otherwise this floor will get dirty ” All of them gathered in the ground. Everyone had a great time playing with it.

“ Anvi, have you done your homework? because you seem to be busy all day playing with Coco ” asked Nancy. Anvi thought something and said “ No, actually! I should go now! You both keep playing ” Anvi rushed to her house and quickly grabbed her notebooks.

After half an hour, Manu came back unhappily with Coco. Coco was covered with dirt. Anvi asked what happened to Coco. “ It fell into a pit while playing ” Anvi left all her work and went to clean it.
After cleaning, she cured its wounds. “ I will not leave Coco with you people from now ” Manu tried to tell her it wasn't his and Nancy's fault but Anvi didn't listen.

“ Now it's too much didi, it is not our fault ” “ You guys are not trust worthy, what if some day you make it fall from more height in your playing and taming? ” said Anvi. “ Oh!! ” exclaimed Manu.

The next day, Anvi's father told everyone that he is planning a holiday to Kullu and Manali next week in Anvi and Manu's vacations.
Everyone became super excited and started counting days. “ I will wear my new yellow T-shirt! ” said excited Manu. “ Idiot! It is cold there! ” exclaimed Anvi. “ Oh! Then the red sweatshirt will be ok ”

The children's days were passing as usual. They woke up early, went to school, played with Coco, fed it, did their homework and studied together before going to sleep.
Coco became the favorite of everyone. Now, no one had any problem with it.

Soon, the day finally came when everyone was packing their clothes and belongings. “ Tomorrow we will have fun in this burning hot! There will be a cold temperature and we will play with snow ” said Anvi excitedly.
“ We have to leave the house till 7, children! ” “ Mummy, I think you are a teacher that's why you've started using 'children' in every single sentence " giggled Manu. “
By the way, why 7 a.m, Mummy? ” asked Anvi. “ Because our train is on 7:45, and also, it takes 1 and a half day to reach there ”

The next day, Anvi woke up at 5 and got ready. After feeding Coco, she came running with it “ Wait for me! ” “ No one is going ” said Manu. “ Why do you keep giving me savage replies? ” frowned Anvi. “ We don't have time for all this, come fast everyone, it's 6:55 now ” said her father.

1 second before her mother was going to lock the door, Anvi shouted “ My diary!! Oh no! ” “ Oh!... Go...take it ” said her mother.

“ It was 7:50 when the train arrived. We all sat inside with our luggage. Coco wasn't allowed to simply go and sit with us. God knows what - what processes were there, they made Coco sit in another section and... I don't know! Ask someone else! These rules are not for me to remember!
So, I was telling... Yes, there was a weird little girl on the front seat—she was staring at everyone and making faces and gossiping and... whatever! She, neither her expressions, nor her silence were understandable. She had some kind of problem with people... maybe. Her mother was trying to make her stop staring at everybody. ”

“ Manu was enjoying the scenery and whether outside the window throughout the journey. But I was thinking about Coco. Mother took out some snacks which I tried to share with that strange girl also ( she didn't take) Whatever, we had fun sleeping. Manu wanted to sleep on the top, so I slept on the middle one. “ Didi, what about Cocoa? ” Manu says it ' Cocoa' funny, isn't it? I said “ I am also wondering ” ”

“ We reached our destination. We first got our Coco. I and Manu were very happy to see him. Mummy had clicked at least 50 photos until 2:15. Papa was busy scolding people who broke the rules and bringing the naughty children back who were going near the cliff.
Mummy started calling him back “ Come back now. No need to show your profession to everyone ” “ Oh Mummy! Let him do that! I am capturing their reactions in your camera ” whispered Manu. “ Stop doing all this, enjoy the place's weather and click photos of this scenery! ” suggested Mummy.
I was listening all this conversation when suddenly I saw Coco going near the Cliff ”

Anvi called its name. It looked back and started doing something that made Anvi think it is calling her. Anvi went there and saw a bird was stuck in a little gap on the hill. She immediately called her father. He came and rescued the bird which couldn't fly.

Manu had got a chance to make his parents believe and love Coco even more. He said “ See—how smart Coco is. If Coco wouldn't make didi see this injured and stuck bird, this bird would fall off the cliff and die ”

After then everyone started exporing the place again. They did their lunch and Manu made Coco eat its food. After some time, Manu saw Coco going closer to the cliff again. He thought it is just enjoying the view. Later Anvi saw it was too much close to the end.
It was too late untill she rushed towards the cliff. Coco, mistakenly fell off and Anvi shouted very hard.

Suddenly, Anvi woke up out of the terrible end of her dream. What she realised was that it was 5:30 a.m. Her mother was calling her to brush her teeth, as she had to go to school. She wished that the dream had never finished. Only 10 minutes had passed when Manu heard Anvi sobbing and whispering a name 'Coco' again and again.
Anvi and Coco's sweet stories had ended. Coco was only a dream of Anvi and this truth was something she never wanted to know.

© Apeksha