

My Brain Got Somehow Confused About What Is Right
This story is about how I keep on trying to be an effective listener as a social work student.

It happened last 2022. It was never my intention to create a misleading sound while our teacher was discussing with us online. I'd never heard any voices that time while he was teaching us. While he was discussing, I felt that he needed help, although he's old already. I pitied him because no one was answering. That's why I answered. I was not that focused in my studies that time, and I was having a hard time memorizing my lessons for exams and quizzes. I always thought that it was not bad to always answer the teachers, since I needed to help myself too. I need to pass my subjects and make myself happy by having good grades. While they didn't. It's because they don't want to be unfair to others who don't have money to attend class. I actually didn't think that. It's okay for me if they always answer and have higher grades than me. It's actually fine, but I don't think they all need to keep silent because it will only get things worse. I know that the teachers get tired too, and I saw it in our teachers' eyes. It is not good to discuss with the class without anyone who's responding. Then, suddenly, one of my classmates shouted. I think she means that the teachers don't need help from any of their students because they are too old already to handle the class and no one responds. I get her point, but I greatly disliked it when she shouted like that. What was wrong with my actions that time? It only gives me unquiet thoughts and trouble concentrating after what she did. She actually does almost all the work every time she's our group mate. She doesn't actually like many mistakes when doing it. That's why she doesn't ask for any help from her other group mates. My way of thinking is different from hers. I look at it this way. Even though some of us are poor and have no signal, I still approve when someone answers our teacher when none of the students are able to attend, because what's the point of not answering? Since we study for the poor. It is all for the poor.
© Ruakh