

10 minutes incident which changes my whole day
I am working in a small scale industry as a sales coordinator as I have a lot of pressure on my work I was tired before to start the day. I thought it would be bore day as it was Monday but I never knew I will learn such a lesson until I meet him.. Do you want to know what I learned from him.. Let me tell you.

I usually travel in metro. I preferred general coach as ladies coach where full. I sat comfortably and took my headset to hear songs and I started to browse the net to boost myself. As I wore my headset only on right I heard a small boy's voice on my left ear..

Small boy: amma I need phone

Mom: no you should not just enjoy the nature through windows. Look how beautiful it is

Small boy: amma look at everyone in this train everyone is using mobile why do you want me alone to enjoy the nature.

I after hearing it. Kept my phone aside and turned all around to have a look at others. The small boy was right everyone's head where bend down to have a look at their phone.

He gave looked at me. I tried a lot not to have a look at my phone. And I realized I couldn't be without using my phone but I still hold my mind not to use it.

After seeing me for a long time, the small boy dint ask her mom the phone and he begin to enjoy the nature through window

We say children are often using their mobile phone and losing their childhood but we failed to know the fact that we elders are the role model of young ones they learn the life from us.. If the people in the train has used books instead of mobile then the small boy would have asked for the books to learn something new...

Make your next generation learn new from you
© san