

Creature Part-5
Last 'para'-

"He fell down on the battlefield and looked into her eyes."

Continuing from here-

He fell down on the battlefield and looked into her eyes and said ,"l Love You" and closed his eyes. The defenders killed his team mates and eventually,they won the battle . However 'Snowfi' stared him for a long .She realized how much he loved her so that he didn't hurt her not a least.

She kept his head on her thigh and cried loudly said,"How could l do this?" An ages passed away yet she still wanted him, so she built a statue in memory of the leader. She didn't get married and kept talking to him all the time. She was old now .

One day it seemed very strange to her and the union was feeling like she was feeling dizzy that now she is going to leave this world that's why she moved towards the statue . She was delighted cause the time came and now she has to go for meeting .

Now , she kept her finger on the statue , instantly she felled down on the ground and closed her eyes.Her wrinkled face sleep in a peace.

"Some stories never fades away they sunken us in the sweet fragrance of their love"

Thankyou for reading the story "Creature". Hope you'll love it.
