

Drawn By Gold
Not Everyone Knows Golden hands When They See them, In order to see Golden Hands you must possess Golden eyes blessed by God himself. Sounds Impossible Right Well it Almost is.See hands of gold is not as it sounds or seem.They Reveal and Rise Evil,Cost pain and can damage.It takes a special breed to encounter these hands and not be harm or damage,Not Even Satan himself can hold such hands without risking being burned to a pile of ash.How can gold not harm or damage, how can Something so powerful enough to burn the devil himself be touched by anyone you ask?That's easy to answer they have to already be build soild from Pain,Hurt, Disappointments, Rejection,and a heart of buring desire to be loved back.A Woman That can with stand such hands is a Woman consider to be a Goddess,These hands are the only source of power that can Repair, Restore,and Rebuild her damaged broken spirit and Restore her broken soul.That's when she grows into what she was ment to be until the day these two heavenly made beings meet, they are toxic to themselves and others. only fiery hot lava can turn coal into a diamond and only golden hands can touch a goddess.Who are these two beings you ask? they are the one who you will never notice until the 7 year's of hell beings, right now they are looked to be ordinary people not aware of their true potential.They are the very ones who go through the most heartbreaks, unaccepted by society, don't fit in well with other's.They can be considered trouble for others,but once they come together as one they restore positive energy.You usually never notice this unordinary couple because they are able to withstand anything the world has to throw at them.When they are United what's made by God can never be destroyed by Man, It can be the very thing that saves you or destroy you It's all depends on the true intentions of your heart.
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© Felicia Thomas