

The White Eyes (chapter 3)
I then think play blue is a good name cause i will be haveing a black and blue chalkboard pattern shirt. I went to my bed to take a quick nap. I had a nightmare of a white eye chasing me and he catch up and jump on me with aggression and start ripping my flesh off with blood going everywhere and biting my neck. I woke up from that horrible dream, the crime radar went off, it says it was at sw,bank. I thought it was a normal bank heist, so I just email the GM and ask"hello, i was wondering, what the BP is made put of?".
I soundly gotten an email "the black portal is the black hole for space, but it a much safer form and dosen't suck everything in" oh cool i say outloud, as my voice echoes through out the salient building, i can almost here just the littlest bugs crawling around. All of a sudden i gotten tp to a dark hallway with flickering lights, the wall paper was pink, dirty and old, tearing of the walls. At the end of the hall was a dark figure waiting for me, his teeth was sharp and his head was twitching like crazy. He then starts running at me, I was frozen and couldn't move a muscle. As he gotten close i can see his black endless eyes and his mouth and body was almost cover and blood, it smelt fresh. I ran as he gotten close, i can almost felt the thing claws on my skin pilling of my flesh. I ran trying to tp out, Nothing would work. I ran and i almost out, i look behind me and he was just standing there, his eyes turn red. I escaped, i did it, i was shaking in fear.

I try to open up a black portal, it work and what was that monster, what was that place, I thought to myself. I tp to my place and take the medicine again. My thirst to kill, fades away. The crime radar ring, detecting a lot of muders at city center, I opened up a BP, tping to city center. It was a white eyes, I looked into his soulless eyes, throwing a fire ball, but he dodged. I leap on him and turn into lava going into his mouth. I thought that I can leap in his mouth as lava form and burn his soul. I was right but he spit me out, as he spit me out i went back to human form and scratching his neck and chest. I tried to punch him with my lava hand, but she just grab my hand, turning it back to flesh and ripped off all my fist, flesh, showing the muscles. She then snap my arm and brakeing the bones, which felt like she did it 50 times. I feld to the floor slowing closing my eyes, i saw 2 figures one fighting the white eye and one going to me and then i passed out. I woke up on a bed with a man and a woman staring at me, I looked around turning to my arm, it had bandages all over my fist. The guy ran out of the room in a blink of a eye, the woman then say "you a wake" in a soft voice. I then responded with "where I'm I, how are you" the girl sound like she say "my name is Jessica Simpson, my nickname is called halo, my partner is jack bird his nickname is lightning, we are superheroes that trying to protect the worldof white eyes" I was thinking of what to say at that moment "um ummm, my name is Levi Smith, and my nickname is play blue" all I was thinking is that i can't let them no im a have white eye. She say"my super power is healing and helping people, blinding people with my light and always have a dagger that is very dangerous to white eyes and creatures, i call it a angle blade. Lightning powers are, go light speed, fly, strength, and that it how bout yours". I was relied that she was done, "my powers are teleport, fire, strength". She takes a deep breath and say "it seems like we will make a great team, do you want to join"
"Sure" i say as i ask "can i go in the bathroom" she say yes and i find my way to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and i cant believe what i saw. I saw my true form? eyes was glowing black and my skin was like dark, cover in black slimy gue. I had like a dark fether wing cove in gue. My eyes was looking right at me staring into my soul and smiling. I looked down, grabbing the stims and stabbing it into my arm and putting it back in the black portal. I look up and the thing was gone.

To Be Continue...
Also i have a new schedule, i gonna always be trying to post a new chapter each week
© crazygamesYT