



“ Every moment is a new beginning ” - T.S Eliot.

“ Navya Patil , you are suspended !! ”

Suspended ….

Suspended ?!!

The word echoes all over the scene to a good number of headshots, making the place contiguous with silence . As plausible to awe, the goosebumps emerge every tenth of my skin , bringing icy stir to my spine .

Yes , I can sense it .

The dreadful tremble in the hands , weakening in posture, grip of the legs with the soul deeply shuddering in terror .

With the thrive to regain my lead of the situation . I lift up my eyes to meet the embering glare from the weary downtrodden eyes of a man , austere in demeanour , with clasped hands , standing right in front , in a greyish lounge suit .

I mustered up the last grains of courage in me and say ,
“ S..Sirr…Sir, it wasn't me , please trust me , I'm being framed , sirr… ah ah..” tears started to roll down my cheek as I defended the harsh claim on me .

The man seems to have curtailed to some extent his aggression , after seeing the anguish state I have gotten myself into and a downhearted expression mounts on his face when he speaks out ,
“ Miss Navya , it's not my place to help you out as you are suspended from our institute as you are found guilty for………”, But before he could finish his words , a sharp manly tone pierces our ears ,

“ Mr.Bhadra , please don't heed to her words , as they are nothing but hollow pleadings .” blurts the man , who was standing adjacent to both of us from the prelude of this advanced commotion.

This man , who has not even an inch of guilt in his misconduct , gives me a frosty gaze from his deep dusty eyes which may penetrate into one's consciousness to devour , leaving you with vast emptiness.

Yes , it was scary ,

he was scary …..

More like a nightmare . That too a never ending one.

With a smirk on his lower lips , he continues his talk without diverting his stare on me . “ Sir , if you insist I will give you the clear picture of what had happ…. ”

“ Enough Mr.Prahal Desai , we had enough of this melodrama of yours!! Even you are rusticated from the college for your involvement in this matter . I have already reported this incident to your father , you better have a good explanation coming ” Mr.Bhadra intervenes Prahal , who was dead set to fabricate me as a wrongdoer. I wonder where he gets his sheer determination for framing the innocents as culprits come from .

{ “ See I know you guys are taking your own sweet time in this poppycock , but we , as police , have the duty to interrogate them and have their blood samples , so please cooperate with us ” } utters the khaki-clothed officer with a sarcastic smile.
( Note :- {/} Are used to express the context is originally spoken in kannada )

I wonder whether it was a mockery of our current circumstances or if it's a foretelling of calamity to be bestowed upon us . All I can do as for now is to maintain my vigilant temperament.

Anyways , we reluctantly had to follow the officer , along with a stationed mid aged female cop, I recollect her as the one who had earlier escorted me to this police headquarters .

Yes ,
I was in a police station , Being interrogates .
Not as a witness but as a criminal.

More sort of a drug dealer !!

Drugs ? Like seriously ?

Is it a new Gen-Z way to hoax someone?

Those are the things I have only seen in movies , but probably no movie had such a bizarre plot twist like this though. Also to rub salt to my wounds , if falsely framed as a drug peddler was not enough, I have also been ignominiously rusticated from the college in public by Mr.Bhadra to save their esteemed reputation which they of course never had . I wonder whether my peers find this intriguing or sympathise with my condition ?

As we advance through the dingy corridor, with every single Edison bulb we past flickering, my memory lane strucks me with the horrendous flashbacks , inviting the atrocious miseries.

How did I , who was nothing more than a 18 years old fresher ,
Became a criminal overnight ?

Where did it all go wrong ?

A week ago …….

A town in Chikkamagaluru , Karnataka.
2nd of August, 2024 .
( Note :- { } Are used to express the context is originally spoken in kannada )

{ “ Navya , if you don't hurry up you will definitely end up missing the Bengaluru bus” }, Uma calls out while packing the suitcases.

{ “ Amma , don't you know our ancestors had stated that we should chew our food 24 times derive the nutrients, I'm just applying now by eating my food at a slower phase ” } I pass on the comment while stuffing my mouth with puliyogare and an inevitable shrewd grin .

{“ Please guruji , it's not the time for your words of wisdom , just 30 minutes are left before you depart . Oh , by the way earlier you had pooped right ?” } my mother counter takes my jokes with her own charisma of embarrassing me. She knows I don't like to talk about my stools during meals , I intend to have this instinctive urge for throwing up , still here we go …..again …..

{ “ Ma , how many times should I remind you not to talk about such things while I'm eating ” }

{“ Dear ,I thought eating slowly we also boost you up for healthy potty ”

{ “ Eww…. Mom just stop it ” } I say as my face starts it's soap Opera with symptomatic nauseous .

{ “ Cool down dear ….I was just playing around ….. but still you did it right ? I'm worried that the bus won't stop if you wanna go to the washroom ” } and my mom continues ….

Uma Patil , my Amma , Age 47 is an obstetrician by profession, who has delivered over 1000 babies , which may be a partial defence for her to still see me as a nasty toddler rather than a full fledged individual I have grown into . She is a composed lady with a serene outlook much alike to her line of work . I have heard from dad that she was a gold medalist in all of her subjects during her mbbs . I wish I had taken her brilliance , so as not to end up being an average at academics .

Some folks may assume it's a profession with high regard but it's the closests who know it's nothing but a double edged sword . Only those with the vocation to be a saviour of other's families and to be perdurable to emotions of one's own can take up this field . Oftentimes there are instances of her choosing her career over family. Choosing to treat the patients over the time spent with me . I have resented it in the past , but over the years , maturity has shaped my mind to cope up with it and subdue the antagonism.

{“ Uma, come on, it's just 6 hours of journey with two stops at major stations in between. I'm sure she will be fine , it's time for you to stop worrying over ”} , Dad walks over , interrupting mom's train of worries .

And as usual my dad becomes the knight in shining armour to rescue me from mother's monstrous chatter.

My dad , Naresh Patil , 48 ,is a contractor for H.D constructions, a noteworthy company in Karnataka for decades . He is someone who earnestly attends to me and understands my heart to the fullest .

{“ I guess you are right ” } mom sighed, giving in to the proposition .

I'm so used to this now , it's dad , who always allays her concerns , which are birthed by her overthinking every now and then. Still I find a perfect wheel of balance between them . One's an overthinker , the other is a nonchalant . One is a topper, the other is a backbencher . It was definite foreseeable event for those whose romance has lasted over 3 decades ,
yes , this ever ending saga of love, which I'm immune to . But it gives a pragmatic approach that love is more about caring over each other than showering gifts.
In a nutshell, comfort over luxury.

{ “ Navya , since we are running out of time , it's time you dress up while I take out the car from the garage ” } dad suggests pulling out the car keys .

“ Okay , I will be out soon ” I tally my thoughts with him and charge towards the washbasin to do my dishes.
Well , It's an unspoken norm in our family , that one has to do their own dishes and laundry. Life skills I guess .

Soon the dishes are done and I rush to my room . In a matter of 5 minutes I came to see my reflection in the mirror, adjoining the staircase of the main hall .

Mom Jeans ..check …..Baggy sweatshirt .. check ….. hair in a messy bun ..
hmn …..check …. no makeup look …. Double check …. phone check ……. wallet check … I guess I'm all set to go….

Oh wait a sec …. damn it !

I forgot my watch !!

I race back to my room and take out a rose gold crystal layered watch , from the main drawer of the wardrobe . It's a gift from my late grandma on my 16th birthday . Whenever I see it , I lose myself to remorse of the past where we only seldom made visits to her .
Still in glum I cautiously placed it in my college bag and walked out of the house to see my parents had already arranged the suitcases in the trunk .
I go to them and I give them a farewell hug . They embrace me too . We had a little family time until ….

{“ A family hug without me ? ”} A sudden yell breaks our bond .

All we could see was a grumpy kid standing in front of us with arms akimbo . Yes , it's my dearest troublemaker slash sister .

Divya Patil ,
Age ? 15 ,
occupation ? To create chaos in the house .

Unlike me who each time without exception ends up being an average, she is different, more of a unique person . Father's enthusiasm in sports and arts with mother's intelligence . She has picked the perfect blend of genes from our parents . It would be an outrageous lie if I state that I don't envy my sister's life which I unmistakably do .
But I ensure that the foul smell of my jealousy doesn't hamper our siblings' love and bond.

{“ Akka , I will miss you . Call me everyday , you shouldn't forget and also whatsapp me some pics from your campus , your new roommates , your PG ……”}

{“ oh god …ah .… I swear I will be doing all those conditions which you have been imposing on me for a month ” } I attempt to put a brake to her infinite demands , while returning the tender hug to her .

For a second she seemed still , but it's a failed speculation as she breaks out , sobbing in my arms . Yes , I can feel the moisture forming in my eyes as well . It's sisterhood which I'm not ready to sacrifice for some obscure feelings.

After the warm session of sentiments , I bid adieu to my mother and sister, and sat in the passenger seat. Dad comes over and we set off to the bus stop close by .

It took roughly 2 minutes and we arrived at the station. The stop could be pinpointed as next to the time square of the town . There is a sudden chime in the clock tower, only to be realised it's 12pm.
Dad and I take out all the suitcases from the trunk and we await the arrival of the bus, which could be anytime soon .

The anticipation was fruitful, the bus arrived without a delay . I gave a brief cuddle to my father as a token of adios and boarded the bus with my luggage . After the mandatory verification in the trip sheet, I found my reserved seat to be 3 places behind the driver's. Pretty convenient .
Also I opine that nothing beats the bliss of being in the window seat . Period. With the passage of time the bus accelerates swiftly to its destination.

A few hours later ……

In the city of Bengaluru
6:32 pm

( Note :- { } Are used to express the context is originally spoken in kannada )

{“ Majestic..Majestic.. get down … get down …..” }

With the sharp whistling of all the conductors , enough to turn a person deaf , the bus halts . It has reached its destination.

My destination.

I help myself out with my luggages , a black trolley good enough for a Hercules and a backpack . I take out my phone and start dialling when ,

{“ Hey ! Navya, we are here . ”}
Those words ring to my ears and I glance over the direction of the vocals , to find my cousins.

The twins Suman and Sumit are my uncle's sons , two years older than me . Are the only cousins I reconcile with , disregarding the rest . Growing up we shared a close knit relation , alike to peas in a pod . Brothers with a little sister . But over the years , we have allowed ourselves to be swallowed by peer pressure and academics , losing the contact all over.
But to my astonishment, upon hearing the news of me joining R.K University to pursue my bachelors , they were the ones most elated . They voluntarily took in the duty of PG hunt , apt to my livelihood in the city.
As soon as I advance my footsteps over to them , I receive a loosey reunion hug from them . Which was a wild card entry to me but it was as cosy as it used to be . Then they aid me to a cab and all of us progress towards my designated PG .


End of chapter 1 .

#mystery #thriller #teenstories #teenage #collegestories #friendship

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