

Discriminated - The Fight
Asha had always dreamed of seeing the world. Growing up in a small village in India, she spent her childhood with her nose buried in books, dreaming of far-off places and cultures. Now, in her late twenties, she finally had the means and the courage to embark on her journey as a solo traveler.

Her first stop was Paris. The city of lights was everything she had imagined: the Eiffel Tower sparkled against the night sky, and the aroma of freshly baked croissants filled the air. However, as she walked through the streets, she noticed the stares. At a café, a waitress assumed she didn’t speak French and ignored her until Asha spoke up in fluent French, a language she had diligently learned. The look of surprise followed by a reluctant smile was her first brush with the subtle undercurrent of discrimination.

From Paris, she moved on to Berlin. Here, the discrimination was more overt. At a hostel, she overheard a group of travelers talking about her, questioning how she could afford to travel and if she was overstaying her visa. When she confronted them, they dismissed her concerns, masking their prejudice with feigned ignorance. Asha found solace in the city's history museums, drawing strength from stories of resilience and resistance.

Her journey took her next to Tokyo, a city she had always admired for its blend of tradition and modernity. Yet, on a crowded train, she felt the sting of being an outsider. People moved away from her, leaving a noticeable gap. An elderly woman, however, broke the silence, offering her a seat and engaging in a warm conversation, restoring her faith in humanity for a while.

In Sydney, Asha experienced a different kind of discrimination. At a beach, a group of sunbathers made derogatory remarks about her skin color, assuming she couldn’t understand English. Her spirit, however, was lifted by a kind local who invited her to join a surfing lesson, showing her the beauty of human kindness amidst ignorance.

Throughout her travels, Asha documented her experiences on her blog. Her stories of discrimination were met with a flood of support from readers around the world, many of whom shared their own stories of facing prejudice while traveling. Her blog became a beacon for solo travelers facing similar challenges, creating a community of solidarity and support.

In the bustling streets of New York, her last destination, Asha felt a mix of emotions. Here, the diversity was a mosaic, yet she still faced occasional prejudice. At a diner, she was once asked if she was in the right place, the implication clear. She smiled and ordered her meal, determined not to let ignorance overshadow her journey.

Returning home, Asha realized that her travels had not only shown her the world's beauty but also its flaws. She had faced discrimination, but she had also encountered incredible kindness and solidarity. Her journey had taught her resilience and the importance of raising her voice against prejudice. She continued to write and speak about her experiences, advocating for a world where travelers of all backgrounds could explore without fear of discrimination.

Asha's story became an inspiration for many, reminding everyone that the world, despite its imperfections, is worth exploring. Her journey underscored the importance of empathy, understanding, and the relentless pursuit of one's dreams, no matter the obstacles.
© Pradip Hogade