

Turn This Into Positive
In safety some places want knowledge on how to turn off a place product.
But no some places you have to have
the fire department turn off elevator
or items we as regular people turn off.
An a strangers people who are fixing things in a house are saying what the
why he asking me I deliver not. Fix
elevators So I hear this conversation and then think what mess is this. let me
take the stairs so I got my exercises today. An now wonder in the back of my mind why? you trying to turn it off or feel unsafe about it hmm. So until they get it right maybe I can get a workout taking the stairs and exercising at the same time. So indoors exercise and out doors to here I come. Now I have a new reason to keep fit this summer until they fix the elevator which they told some other residents it was fixed but no why was he just trying to shut it off hmm now this is the mystery. Why? is it even going on hmm but in my mind in the mean time get fit
Then get a good work out and enjoy summer crazy ness but stay clear of drama now. Some keep hitting the door and stirring the pot. When my pot not even on the stove hmmm 😂🤣
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