

I decided to call from the same PSO from where I called that lady, Shivana who introduced herself as my second cousin. I was shocked that the call was answered at the first ring and became stunned when a female voice answered, "Hello Grandpa! Any news?"
I was too shocked to speak at that very moment. So I hung the phone. Later, when I called again, no one answered. I blamed my stupidity. But there were many questions circling in my mind. My grandfather had his own phone, still why he needed to call from here? And if he called in Deb's number who was that lady?― Assistant? or Wife?

Inspector interrupted me: Nonsense! He died unmarried! How will he have a wife? And he always worked alone. There wasn't be any female companions with him.

No! There was one. She was his cousin sister from his mother's side. I had personally met her. Dev introduced her to me.

Inspector ( raised his eyebrows): Cousin? Sister? I've never heard of this story. Okay! Carry on.

I never lie. My Grandpa also had met her. Dev protected her all the time, she is his only relative in his world.

Inspector: Who knows what others think? Get back on the track? Why did Mr. Dev introduced her to you? How did you three meet?

I never intended to meet. But, after 5 days of Grandpa's death, both of them came to meet me. Their appearance was quite unique though. One is boxing master and another is–

(Another inspector came to the room, with a file in his hand and called the Inspector. Inspector left but hus eyes were looking me from up and down, as if judging me.
After few minutes and He came with a suspicious look with a file.)

Inspector: Is Dev's cousin's name Mrinal Nayak?

(It was really strange. No one knows her this name!)
Yeah! But how did you know about this name?

Will get back with another plot in my next part. Till then follow "The Left Letters".... Thank You.🙏
#LeftLetters #Suspense #Deadlymurder #How
© Sahyira