

Love story of same sex
Being different among society makes you abnormal and abnormal brings you thoughts that you can't share with your own people. But why is it different in my life? Why was I feeling like I was being dumped?Was these just my thoughts or was it true? why my family was looking me with those regretful eyes?
So here I begin with my own story, I am among those who are different like different thinking style and like transgender, lesbian, gay , queer, bisexual etc. I know you are feeling awkward after reading these words or you're like acting normal cause you may be see us in a normal way or you are among us or you might not know the meaning.

Every child wants a happy story like which ends with happy ever after and so was mine . There were no tears, sorrows, and a single negetive thoughts.I was loved by everyone but later, I found out that I was not among them. I was a little bit different. I was not having feelings for those with whom I had to buy for the same sex. I love to dress like boys. I was never attracted to skirts, tops etc but I was attracted to baggy jeans and hoodies. There was a cute girl in my college with same course as mine.She was so perfect that I used to see myself with lots and lots of imperfections. But unfortunately she was in relationship. Others classmates loved to ship us both. We had our own page which was created by others in the college but her boyfriend used to hate that.

My only weakness was I couldn't face her and proposing her was like my dreams. I was afraid what she will think about me? What will be her reaction when a girl will propose her? And what if she rejects my proposal or what if she humiliate me? all those questions were pulling me back to express my feelings towards her.

Proposing her and making her as my girl was my only dream. whenever she passes by my side along with herself she would take my mind too...Like that only our college life was ended, and everyone were saperated. All friends were doing something for their better life, like some were continuing with their studies, some were happy with their small jobs, some were taken their family business and some were like staying at home.I was not sure what she was doing may be continuing with her studies as she was brilliant student. I was with my hobbies which was writing poems and diaries but my dairy was all filled with her.

One day one friend invited me on Reunion party for batch 2017. I was like busy with my own dreams and hobbies. I decided not to go as I was not friendly with them cause I was Introvert but she was like crazy, too talkative. I was scrolling our page which was created by the friends and I saw it had more the million followers which means that our match was like by more than millions of people. So, then I decided to go to the party thinking I will sure purpose her no matter what. On that day, It took me two hours to dressup and at that end I decided to wear a shirt, round neck hoodie and a simple pant.
When I reached there, the party was already started and I was sitting at the corner with the can beer, one beautiful girl was coming towards me wearing black top and red skirt. As she was coming closer my heart was beating fast and fast. She was her, She greet me and I was like damn nervous. She was speaking with me really friendly as if we were like friends but the fact is that I had never spoken with her before.I used to watch her from far distance. I asked her about her relationship and she said they brokeup a long time ago which was happy news for me. As I was speaking with her she asked for my number and it was like a lottery for me. And I decided to tell her about how I feel and I started with "I used to watch you from distance during our college times" I said "I know"she replied. I was like how did she knew about it. "Do you know our friends have created our fan page and it has more than millions followers" and she said she knew everything. And when I asked "Do you want to make it as a personal page" "I didn't get it" she replied.And I said "nothing" I thought that it is not possible for us to be together. And at last what she said before leaving was shocking.......
To be continued...
© TiGeR 🐯