

The Meaning of Love
I'd like to ask a question about love, what does it really mean ?
Obviously it means a lot more to some people than others, some people are able to move on as soon as a relationship is finished, some don't even bother to wait and have an affair while still with their partner, how can you tell someone that you will never forget them while the new partner is sitting on the same sofa, so strange.
Or am I the one that's strange because I care for people even after I've been dumped time after time, asking how they are, being the person to turn to because the new partner only thinks of themself.
None of us are perfect but I don't understand this thing called love, is there a magic formula that I haven't got access to, would I stop caring about others to be able to think and act like them ?
No, not in this lifetime 🌻

# Alone in my thoughts

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