

mahakali caves
Sounds like a name inspired by the Hindu goddess Kali, but all these caves are dedicated to Buddha and Buddhism. Mahakali caves were originally known as Kondivite caves, because of its proximity to a village by the same name. If the pace of Mumbai has hassled you, this is a great place to slow down.The Mahakali caves are a group of 19 rock cut monuments, carved out of solid basalt rock. These caves have statues of the Buddha and several carvings depicting tales from Buddhist mythology. They were constructed over a long period of time, probably from 1st century BC to 6th century AD.The inscriptions and scriptures on the walls are written in Pali language. This language is much older than Sanskrit and was probably the language used during Maurya dynasty. The caves are supposed to have been built during Ashoka’s reign. Most of the caves are on a low-lying hill and have collapsed or are in a dilapidated condition. These caves are smaller in size when compared to the other prominent caves dedicated to Buddhism, like the Ajanta caves or caves in Bihar. Most of the carvings are not in good shape, but the rock cut monuments itself is a stand out.
The Mahakali Caves are located in Andheri East, which is within the city limits .