

The bird.
Narrator: On a willow tree, sits a bird with broken wings..scared, abandoned, and wasting away due to her formal addiction and past.

Bird: I may be disabled. But I'm not to be labeled or put in a box. I may not fly now. But some how. With all my strength I will fly again.

Owl: You poor soul, I feel you too. I been there

Bird: I use to fly everywhere. I was free, but my addiction got the best of me. My past of being abused, and take advantage of and used, lead me to my addiction.

Owl: Have you thought about writing a nonfiction. Story of your life.

Bird: no, my body feels like a knife. Inserting into my soul. I can't write, or even fight
The pain I feel. The emptiness
Always in darkness

Owl: oh Dear! You should try reaching to others. Tell them your story.

Bird: yeah I should, first I need to fly. Feel the night sky under my wing. The happiness, the ability to sing

Narrator: The bird with all her might, opened her wings and begin to fly. She did feel some pain. Unfortunately,That goes with recovery.

Bird : Owl, thank you for your help and pushing me to fly. Now I can help others.

Owl: Your welcome, See if you hide in your past and don't face tomorrow, you will be trapped.

Narrator: The owl and the bird said their goodbyes.
The moral of the story is addiction maybe painful and the past horrid, and you feel useless. With all that, you truly are an inspiration to others. Help others by telling your story.