

movie like story
My husband's cousin told me about this few years ago. There was a family who was successfully running a business, profit was in crores and so they built a new house. The best in their entire family and neighborhood. Housewarming ceremony was held and everyone who saw the house were in awe at the amount spent on it. The head of the house was proud of his achievements. He had a successful personal and professional life. Then came his aunt(mom's elder sister) and when she saw the house and how rich her nephew had become she couldn't digest it. She became so jealous of him that she decided to destroy him. She knew that his wife was the pillar of support to him so she started spreading rumors about his wife, about her character. The news slowly started to spread through jealousy filled mouths and filthy ears and eventually reached that man's ears. He didn't believe it when he heard it for the 1st time but soon as many of his own relatives started to tell him about his wife cheating on him, he started to believe. They successfully planted the seed of doubt in his mind and he slowly started to question everything his wife did, stopped sending her anywhere etc etc… His wife couldn't understand the change in his behavior and she decided to do whatever she wants to do and thus once a happy and peaceful household changed into a quarrelsome one.
One day when he went home he saw a stranger walk out of the house the moment he entered his house. When that man asked their watchman about him, the watchman told him that he hadn't seen that man going in through the gate. When the man went furiously inside the house and asked his wife. She said that neither did she see that stranger nor did she meet him, but because of all the misunderstandings between them neither did she properly answer him when he questioned her.

Long story short….he divorced her and because of all this emotional and mental imbalances in his life, he lost interest in business and eventually he lost his wife, his business, his house and the love of his kids who were with his wife.

His aunt's sons took over the business.

There are countless stories like this which look like a movie story but has happened in real life.
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