

Love Story Of A Breeze -final part
While they were walking the breeze followed them with a leaf.

Days passed. They become more and more connected by heart.Summer was already at its end.
Stacy and daniel met at their daily spot.
They didn't get something to start their conversation.But stacy looked so dull and emotional at that time.
Suddenly she hugged Daniel and gave a sudden kiss on his forehead. She was crying. And she ran away from him.
Daniel was shocked and confused.Before Stacy left she left a letter at the bench for Daniel.He took it and started reading in his mind

" Dear Daniel...
do you remember. When i met you i was confused and i was unable to speak friendly. Did you notice that?
It was because i didnt had a close friend till that day. Everyone even my parents looked at me with sympathy and with emotional eyes.
But you.You were the only one to see me as normal. Who reached his hands to grab mine. I didnt see the sympathetic eyes on you. I saw a light.
Now i am connected to you that i cant even say bye to you.
My cancer condition is a little hard now. So for my treatment we are moving to Philadelphia..
Dont consider this as a goodbye letter.And iam blocking your number and all not because i dont wanna talk just i cant think of you.
We will meet at the same place same destination at December 26.If iam not here dont cry for me. I will always live inside you.
Love you.

The warm breeze came to the exact situation with the leaf.
Daniel cried. Cried a lot.Even the paper was covered with his tears.


Daniel sat on the bench at the park.Hours were moving like minutes for him.He didnt even notice the time.
Suddenly he saw somone in front of him. It is a little girl. She gave him a pleasant smile and ran away from him.
The breeze took the leaf with it and landed it on Daniels lap. Memories flashed in front of him.
The breeze continued its journey without its leaf.

Sometimes there is someone who comes to our life as a guest. And turns everything to good memories and becomes an imagination. But the memories are unimaginably beautiful.

Thank You All

© Eren