

Are you living or just existing?
To live is to answer this five questions of life, while to exist is to be clueless of this same questions.

This five questions controls the entire human race and motivates everything you do.

I'm here to give you just a glimpse of why there is so much confusion,conflict,many rebels,people have become suicidal.

What's the cause ?
It's all hidden in these questions. Read them over and over again untill you get the message,loud and clear and take action steps that will realign you on your journey of destiny

In this journey you must travel light,you must cut of some relationships that are no longer relevant in your journey of destiny.

Thses are hard truth to chew😰

Please do enjoy the read😊

a) Who am I ?
Lots of people today are confused of who they really are. Confusion and conflict of identity leads to identity crisis.

What do you stand for?
You musr know what you stand for or you will fall for anything. Today many voices are speaking to grasp your attension,except you know what you want to buy in the market place,you end up buying what you don't need.

Daniel and his friends in Babylon stood for something they believed in and never bowed to the king's graven image neither were they afraid to answer the king.

Gen 1:26
You are created in God's image and likeness,He has given you dominion over everything in livfe and He wants you to dominate and establish He's rulership.

b)Where am I from? Where do you originate from. If you were created in His image and likeness it then means you came from God and where is God ? He is in heaven. I am a heavenly citizen . I am heaven bound and earthly relevant.

John 6:36
Said I came down from heaven, not to do my own will,but the will of Him who send me.

So guys you're not here all by yourself,your creator sent you here on an errand which you will give account of weather you like it or not.

Why am I here?
You were created for purpose- Purpose is your God given assignment ,which you have been wired to do long before you were born.

Jere 1:5
said before I formed you in the womb I knew you,Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.

There is something you have been created for. You are an answer to someone's quesrion. You need to find out what you are good at that you do and are passionate about it.

What can I do ?
Nobody is born without a gift or talent. Today comedy has become a billion dollar business that people who are gifted at it craft their art and are enjoying the dividend.

So I speak to you anything you can do if you will give attension to it and polish it has the ability to reproduce itself in multiple folds.

Mathew 25:14-30
It talked about the man travelling to a far country,He called His servant and gave them talent. He gave one five,another,two and the third person one.

You can read the story for yourself. On His return the servant came to give account of what they did with what He gave them. There was a reward afterward.

So guys this is not a joke,your life is really not your own,someone paid the price for it.😁

Where am I going to?
You came from God and when your time is up you will return to Him. No matter how long you live,we all have an exit date just like we have birth dates. Nobody is homeless or a vagabond you have an origin and a destination.

All I have said here is to all sundry,it has nothing to do with your religion. All the questions I have tried to explain are tied to every human existence.

Action Steps You Must Take
📌Life is too short ,stop experimenting.
📌Life is too fragile handle with care.
📌You have something that is unique
and peculiar to you,do something
about it.
📌You will give account,so set your
records straight.

#destiny. #purpose #potential #source
#identity #writcopoetry #writcostory
#writcoquotes #thesignaturegracej

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