

The deadly sword.
Angeline was sleepy. She felt bored. She just sat there, by her bedroom windows, watching her other neighbors walking down the streets, playing basketball, washing a car, bicycling, skateboarding, and roaming around endlessly and it made her congested. It was noon but since she had nothing else to do, she went back to bed, just lying there watching the ceiling of her room. While she was letting her mind freely roam inside her head, she remembered a story that her late mother once told her.

It is about a knight and the deadly sword that he is forced to carry through all his life. This knight was a very lazy person and had no motivation to do anything at all. He can just lie down on a field of grass, watching the clouds all day long, and only come home when he is hungry or needs a bathroom. Other than that, nothing else.

Remembering the story, Angeline starts thinking of herself. He is just like me she thought to herself. She continues to remember the story in her mind.

The knight's mother was so worried about his future that she thought of a plan. The knight does love his mother very much and would do anything for her. The mother went to take an old sword that belonged to her husband once and gave it to her son.

"What is this for, dear mother?" Said the knight. The old woman trying to withhold her giggle, speaks in a sad voice with her head looking on the ground, "My dear son, This sword belongs to your father. You must practice using this sword and become a true knight so that you can protect our kingdom and protect us from bandits."

"Dear mother", said the knight. "This is not something that I can do". "But you must" " his mother cut through his sentences. "Because you already hold it in your hand, you must or I will die."

The knight was shocked. "Why mother? Why did you do this to me? I do not want you to die." The knight sobs. "If so", said his mother. "Go now and become a true knight. Be brave and help others as much as you can and I will live a little bit longer".

So the knight starts his journey and helps anyone who needs his help along the way. He also becomes a good swordsman and one day, he accidentally saves a princess from the bandits. They fall in love at first sight and the king lets them married. They were given their kingdom to rule and the knight brought along his mother to live with them. They live happily ever after.

Angeline thought to herself, the story always ends with 'they live happily ever after' but she knows, in reality, it is not. Then she thought again. If I start doing something now, perhaps someday I could also have the 'happily ever after' kind of ending. She got up from her bed, took her bath, wore her best clothes, and went out for the job interview that she had called for a few hours before. She still has a few hours left to reach the company. It is not the kind of job that she is hoping for but maybe it could be the start of something better in the future.

Lesson learned:

Motivation is important in achieving success. Sometimes we can have the strength to move forward from our loved ones and the fear of losing them because of our incapability. There are a lot of ways to motivate ourselves even if we have to do it on our own if we do not give up easily.

Another written story was originally written for read. cash platform transfer here for keeping.

© heartbeat1515